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3561 Documents found

Document Title / ID / Author / Date posted Downloads Category / Subcategory
Executive Board Decision no 2018/04 on the adoption of implementing rules concerning the function of adviser / 27229 / Agency
( 09/07/2018 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Executive Board decisions
Executive Board Decision no 2018/03 on the implementing of FRA Guidelines on Whistleblowing / 27226 / Agency
( 09/07/2018 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Executive Board decisions
Agenda 48th Executive Board meeting 15 May 2018 / 27224 / Agency
( 09/07/2018 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Executive Board meeting agendas
Management Board Decision 2018/05 - Revision of FRA's organisational chart / amendment of the Single Programming Document 2018-2020 / 27231 / Agency
( 09/07/2018 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Management Board decisions
Annex C - Standard Submission Form D-SE-18-T07 / 27209 / Agency
( 05/07/2018 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
Annex B - Draft Direct Services Contract D-SE-18-T07 / 27208 / Agency
( 05/07/2018 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
Annex A.1- Technical Specifications D-SE-18-T07 / 27207 / Agency
( 05/07/2018 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
Annex A - Tender Specifications D-SE-18-T07 / 27206 / Agency
( 05/07/2018 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
Invitation to tender D-SE-18-T07 / 27205 / Agency
( 05/07/2018 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
Contract Notice D-SE-18-T07 / 27204 / Agency
( 05/07/2018 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
List of contracts awarded in 2017 / 27189 / Agency
( 25/06/2018 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
Hate crime recording and data collection practice across the EU / 27167 / Agency
( 19/06/2018 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Amendment to nomination of selection committee CA-DATA-ANALYST-OFFICER-FGIV-2018 / 27155 / Agency
( 18/06/2018 )
Administrative documents / Vacancies
Decision change of Selection Committee FRA-TA-PADIR-AST4-2018 / 27147 / Agency
( 15/06/2018 )
Administrative documents / Vacancies
Challenges facing civil society organisations in the EU: Presentation of a report by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights / 27115 / Agency
( 12/06/2018 )
Announcements / Invitations/public events