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3561 Documents found

Document Title / ID / Author / Date posted Downloads Category / Subcategory
Minimum age press release / 26773 / Agency
( 24/04/2018 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases
Age assessment and fingerprinting of children in asylum procedures – Minimum age requirements concerning children’s rights in the EU / 26732 / Agency
( 23/04/2018 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Children’s rights and justice – Minimum age requirements in the EU / 26729 / Agency
( 23/04/2018 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Interoperability and fundamental rights implications / 26691 / Agency
( 18/04/2018 )
Agency's work / Opinions
FRA Strategy 2018-2022 / 26671 / Agency
( 16/04/2018 )
Agency's work / Strategic planning documents
D-SE-18-T02 Annex A - Tender Specifications / 26662 / Agency
( 12/04/2018 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
D-SE-18-T02 Contract notice / 26660 / Agency
( 12/04/2018 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
D-SE-18-T02 Invitation to tender / 26661 / Agency
( 12/04/2018 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
D-SE-18-T02 Annex A.1 - Technical Specifications / 26663 / Agency
( 12/04/2018 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
D-SE-18-T02 Annex B -Draft direct services contract / 26664 / Agency
( 12/04/2018 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
D-SE-18-T02 Annex C - Standard submission form / 26665 / Agency
( 12/04/2018 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
Corrigendum to Decision CS/010/2018 / 26652 / Agency
( 06/04/2018 )
Administrative documents / Vacancies
A persisting concern: anti-Gypsyism as a barrier to Roma inclusion / 26633 / Agency
( 05/04/2018 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
anti-gypsyism press release / 26629 / Agency
( 05/04/2018 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases
IT systems media memo / 26615 / Agency
( 27/03/2018 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases