
Charta základných práv Európskej únie

Článok 11 - Sloboda prejavu a právo na informácie

Článok 11 - Sloboda prejavu a právo na informácie

1. Každý má právo na slobodu prejavu. Toto právo zahŕňa slobodu zastávať názory a prijímať a rozširovať informácie a myšlienky bez zasahovania orgánov verejnej moci a bez ohľadu na hranice.

2. Rešpektuje sa sloboda a pluralita médií.

    • Text:

      1. Článok 11 zodpovedá článku 10 EDĽP, ktorý znie:
      `1. Každý má právo na slobodu prejavu. Toto právo zahŕňa slobodu zastávať názory a prijímať a rozširovať informácie alebo myšlienky bez zasahovania štátnych orgánov a bez ohľadu na hranice. Tento článok nebráni štátom, aby vyžadovali udeľovanie povolení rozhlasovým, televíznym alebo filmovým spoločnostiam.
      2. Výkon týchto slobôd, pretože zahŕňa aj povinnosti aj zodpovednosť, môže podliehať takým formalitám, podmienkam, obmedzeniam alebo sankciám, ktoré ustanovuje zákon a ktoré sú nevyhnutné v demokratickej spoločnosti v záujme národnej bezpečnosti, územnej celistvosti, predchádzania nepokojom a zločinnosti, ochrany zdravia alebo morálky, ochrany povesti alebo práv iných, zabráneniu úniku dôverných informácií alebo zachovania autority a nestrannosti súdnej moci.`
      Podľa článku 52 ods. 3 charty je význam a rozsah tohto práva rovnaký ako podľa EDĽP. Obmedzenia, ktoré sa naň môžu vzťahovať, nesmú prekročiť tie, ktoré sú ustanovené v článku 10 ods. 2 EDĽP bez toho, aby boli dotknuté akékoľvek obmedzenia, ktoré môže ukladať právo hospodárskej súťaže Únie na možnosť členských štátov zavádzať udeľovanie povolení uvedených v tretej vete článku 10 ods. 1 EDĽP.
      2. Odsek 2 tohto článku vymedzuje dôsledky, ktoré môže mať odsek 1 na slobodu médií. Je založený najmä na judikatúre Súdneho dvora, ktorá sa vzťahuje na televíziu, najmä jeho rozsudok vo veci C-288/89 z 25. júla 1991, Stichting Collectieve Antennevoorziening Gouda a. i., Zb. s. I-4007) a na Protokole o systéme verejnoprávneho vysielania v členských štátoch, ktorý je pripojený k Zmluve o ES a teraz k zmluvám, ako aj na smernici Rady 89/552/EHS (najmä jej odôvodnenie 17).

      Úradný vestník Európskej únie C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
      Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
      Ďalej uvedené vysvetlivky boli pôvodne pripravené pod vedením predsedníctva konventu, ktorý vypracoval návrh Charty základných práv Európskej únie. Boli aktualizované pod vedením predsedníctva Európskeho konventu so zreteľom na úpravy, ktoré urobil tento konvent k textu charty (najmä k článkom 51 a 52), a vývoj práva Únie. Hoci tieto vysvetlivky nie sú ako také právne záväzné, predstavujú cenný nástroj výkladu, ktorý je určený na objasnenie ustanovení charty.
    • Singular person vs. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. and unknown
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Court of Appeal of Lisbon
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • P.I. v Migracijos departamentas prie Lietuvos Respublikos vidaus reikalų ministerijos
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Third Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Claimants: National Public Prosecutor (Prokurator Generalny), Istebna Municipality (gmina Istebna), “Ordo Iuris” Foundation. Participants: - Polish Ombudsman (Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich), Campaign Against Homophobia (Kampania Przeciwko Homofobii), Zbigniew Hołda Association (Stowarzyszenie im. Zbigniewa Hołdy), Signs of Equality Federation (Federacja Znaki Równości)
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Supreme Administrative Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • DILIA, theatrical, literary, audiovisual agency against the defendant cloud a.s.
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Supreme Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Private person vs. operator of the internet search engine “”
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Federal Court of Justice
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Unidentified publishing company as first applicant, unidentified individuals as second, third and fourth applicants v. Unidentified authority as respondent
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Supreme Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Hungary v European Parliament and Council of the European Union
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Full Court)
      Policy area:
      Institutional affairs
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Republic of Poland v European Parliament and Council of the European Union
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Full Court)
      Policy area:
      Internal market
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Re. the application of XXX Memic for permit to file a certiorari order
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Supreme Court of Cyprus, Primary Jurisdiction
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Six petitioners v. National Electoral Commission
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):

    73 results found

    • Zákon o slobodnom prístupe k informáciám a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov (zákon o slobode informácií)

      § 1 Predmet úpravy - Tento zákon upravuje podmienky, postup a rozsah slobodného prístupu k informáciám.

    • Constituția României

      Articolul 30(1) Libertatea de exprimare a gândurilor, a opiniilor sau a credintelor si libertatea creatiilor de orice fel, prin viu grai, prin scris, prin imagini, prin sunete sau prin alte mijloace de comunicare în public, sunt inviolabile. (2) Cenzura de orice fel este interzisa. (3) Libertatea presei implica si libertatea de a înfiinta publicatii. (4) Nici o publicatie nu poate fi suprimata. (5) Legea poate impune mijloacelor de comunicare în masa obligatia de a face publica sursa finantarii. (6) Libertatea de exprimare nu poate prejudicia demnitatea, onoarea, viata particulara a persoanei si nici dreptul la propria imagine. (7) Sunt interzise de lege defaimarea tarii si a natiunii, îndemnul la razboi de agresiune, la ura nationala, rasiala, de clasa sau religioasa, incitarea la discriminare, la separatism teritorial sau la violenta publica, precum si manifestarile obscene, contrare bunelor moravuri. (8) Raspunderea civila pentru informatia sau pentru creatia adusa la cunostinta publica revine editorului sau realizatorului, autorului, organizatorului manifestarii artistice, proprietarului mijlocului de multiplicare, al postului de radio sau de televiziune, în conditiile legii. Delictele de presa se stabilesc prin lege. Articolul 31 (1) Dreptul persoanei de a avea acces la orice informatie de interes public nu poate fi îngradit. (2) Autoritatile publice, potrivit competentelor ce le revin, sunt obligate sa asigure informarea corecta a cetatenilor asupra treburilor publice si asupra problemelor de interes personal. (3) Dreptul la informatie nu trebuie sa prejudicieze masurile de protectie a tinerilor sau securitatea nationala. (4) Mijloacele de informare în masa, publice si private, sunt obligate sa asigure informarea corecta a opiniei publice. (5) Serviciile publice de radio si de televiziune sunt autonome. Ele trebuie sa garanteze grupurilor sociale si politice importante exercitarea dreptului la antena. Organizarea acestor servicii si controlul parlamentar asupra activitatii lor se reglementeaza prin lege organica.

    • Constitution of Romania

      Article 30(1) Freedom of expression of thoughts, opinions, or beliefs, and freedom of any creation, by words, in writing, in pictures, by sounds or other means of communication in public are inviolable. (2) Any censorship shall be prohibited. (3) Freedom of the press also involves the free setting up of publications. (4) No publication shall be suppressed. (5) The law may impose upon the mass media the obligation to make public their financing source. (6) Freedom of expression shall not be prejudicial to the dignity, honour, privacy of a person, and to the right to one's own image. (7) Any defamation of the country and the nation, any instigation to a war of aggression, to national, racial, class or religious hatred, any incitement to discrimination, territorial separatism, or public violence, as well as any obscene conduct contrary to morality shall be prohibited by law. (8) Civil liability for any information or creation made public falls upon the publisher or producer, the author, the producer of the artistic performance, the owner of the copying facilities, radio or television station, under the terms laid down by law. Indictable offences of the press shall be established by law. Article 31 (1) A person's right of access to any information of public interest shall not be restricted. (2) The public authorities, according to their competence, shall be bound to provide correct information to the citizens in public affairs and matters of personal interest. (3) The right to information shall not be prejudicial to the measures of protection of young people or national security. (4) Public and private media shall be bound to provide correct information to the public opinion. (5) Public radio and television services shall be autonomous. They must guarantee any important social and political group the exercise of the right to broadcasting time. The organization of these services and the parliamentary control over their activity shall be regulated by an organic law.

    • Constituição da República Portuguesa

      Artigo 37.º (Liberdade de expressão e informação) 1. Todos têm o direito de exprimir e divulgar livremente o seu pensamento pela palavra, pela imagem ou por qualquer outro meio, bem como o direito de informar, de se informar e de ser informado, sem impedimentos nem discriminações. 2. O exercício destes direitos não pode ser impedido ou limitado por qualquer tipo ou forma de censura. 3. As infracções cometidas no exercício destes direitos ficam submetidas aos princípios gerais de direito criminal ou do ilícito de mera ordenação social, sendo a sua apreciação respectivamente da competência dos tribunais judiciais ou de entidade administrativa independente, nos termos da lei. 4. A todas as pessoas, singulares ou colectivas, é assegurado, em condições de igualdade e eficácia, o direito de resposta e de rectificação, bem como o direito a indemnização pelos danos sofridos. Artigo 38.º (Liberdade de imprensa e meios de comunicação social) 1. É garantida a liberdade de imprensa. 2. A liberdade de imprensa implica: a) A liberdade de expressão e criação dos jornalistas e colaboradores, bem como a intervenção dos primeiros na orientação editorial dos respectivos órgãos de comunicação social, salvo quando tiverem natureza doutrinária ou confessional; b) O direito dos jornalistas, nos termos da lei, ao acesso às fontes de informação e à protecção da independência e do sigilo profissionais, bem como o direito de elegerem conselhos de redacção; c) O direito de fundação de jornais e de quaisquer outras publicações, independentemente de autorização administrativa, caução ou habilitação prévias. 3. A lei assegura, com carácter genérico, a divulgação da titularidade e dos meios de financiamento dos órgãos de comunicação social. 4. O Estado assegura a liberdade e a independência dos órgãos de comunicação social perante o poder político e o poder económico, impondo o princípio da especialidade das empresas titulares de órgãos de informação geral, tratando-as e apoiando-as de forma não discriminatória e impedindo a sua concentração, designadamente através de participações múltiplas ou cruzadas. 5. O Estado assegura a existência e o funcionamento de um serviço público de rádio e de televisão. 6. A estrutura e o funcionamento dos meios de comunicação social do sector público devem salvaguardar a sua independência perante o Governo, a Administração e os demais poderes públicos, bem como assegurar a possibilidade de expressão e confronto das diversas correntes de opinião. 7. As estações emissoras de radiodifusão e de radiotelevisão só podem funcionar mediante licença, a conferir por concurso público, nos termos da lei. Artigo 39.º (Regulação da comunicação social) 1. Cabe a uma entidade administrativa independente assegurar nos meios de comunicação social: a) O direito à informação e a liberdade de imprensa; b) A não concentração da titularidade dos meios de comunicação social; c) A independência perante o poder político e o poder económico; d) O respeito pelos direitos, liberdades e garantias pessoais; e) O respeito pelas normas reguladoras das actividades de comunicação social; f) A possibilidade de expressão e confronto das diversas correntes de opinião; g) O exercício dos direitos de antena, de resposta e de réplica política. 2. A lei define a composição, as competências, a organização e o funcionamento da entidade referida no número anterior, bem como o estatuto dos respectivos membros, designados pela Assembleia da República e por cooptação destes. Artigo 40.º (Direitos de antena, de resposta e de réplica política) 1. Os partidos políticos e as organizações sindicais, profissionais e representativas das actividades económicas, bem como outras organizações sociais de âmbito nacional, têm direito, de acordo com a sua relevância e representatividade e segundo critérios objectivos a definir por lei, a tempos de antena no serviço público de rádio e de televisão. 2. Os partidos políticos representados na Assembleia da República, e que não façam parte do Governo, têm direito, nos termos da lei, a tempos de antena no serviço público de rádio e televisão, a ratear de acordo com a sua representatividade, bem como o direito de resposta ou de réplica política às declarações políticas do Governo, de duração e relevo iguais aos dos tempos de antena e das declarações do Governo, de iguais direitos gozando, no âmbito da respectiva região, os partidos representados nas Assembleias Legislativas das regiões autónomas. 3. Nos períodos eleitorais os concorrentes têm direito a tempos de antena, regulares e equitativos, nas estações emissoras de rádio e de televisão de âmbito nacional e regional, nos termos da lei.

    • Constitution of the Portuguese Republic

      Article 37 (Freedom of expression and information) (1) Everyone shall possess the right to freely express and publicise his thoughts in words, images or by any other means, as well as the right to inform others, inform himself and be informed without hindrance or discrimination. (2) Exercise of the said rights shall not be hindered or limited by any type or form of censorship. (3) Infractions committed in the exercise of the said rights shall be subject to the general principles of the criminal law or the law governing administrative offences, and shall be brought before the courts of law or an independent administrative body respectively, as laid down by law. (4) Every person and body corporate shall be equally and effectively guaranteed the right of reply and to make corrections, as well as the right to compensation for damages suffered. Article 38 (Freedom of press and media) (1) The freedom of the press shall be guaranteed. (2) Freedom of the press shall mean: (a) Journalists and other staff’s freedom of expression and creativity, as well as journalists’ freedom to take part in determining the editorial policy of the media body in question, save when it is doctrinal or denominational in nature; (b) Journalists’ right, as laid down by law, to gain access to sources of information and to the protection of professional independence and secrecy, as well as their right to elect editorial boards; (c) The right to found newspapers and any other publications, regardless of any prior administrative authorisation, bond or qualification. (3) In generic terms, the law shall ensure that the names of the owners of media bodies and the means by which those bodies are financed are publicised. (4) The state shall ensure the media’s freedom and independence from political power and economic power by imposing the principle of specialisation on businesses that own general information media, treating and supporting them in a non-discriminatory manner and preventing their concentration, particularly by means of multiple or interlocking interests. (5) The state shall ensure the existence and operation of a public radio and television service. (6) The structure and operation of public sector media shall safeguard their independence from the Government, the Public Administration and the other public authorities, and shall ensure that all the different currents of opinion are able to express themselves and to confront one another. (7) Radio and television broadcasting stations shall only operate with licenses that are granted under public calls for tender, as laid down by law. Article 39 (Regulation of the media) (1) An independent administrative body shall be responsible for ensuring the following in the media: (a) The right to information and the freedom of the press; (b) The non-concentration of ownership of the media; (c) Independence from political power and economic power; (d) Respect for personal rights, freedoms and guarantees; (e) Respect for the statutes and rules that regulate the work of the media; (f) That all different currents of opinion are able to express themselves and confront one another; (g) Exercise of the rights to broadcasting time, of reply and of political response. (2) The law shall define the composition, responsibilities, organisation and modus operandi of the body referred to in the previous paragraph, together with the status and role of its members, who shall be appointed by the Assembly of the Republic and coopted by those so appointed. Article 40 (Rights of broadcasting time, of reply and of political response) (1) Political parties, trade unions, professional and business organisations and other organisations with a national scope shall, in accordance with their size and representativity and with objective criteria that shall be defined by law, possess the right to broadcasting time on the public radio and television service. (2) Political parties that hold one or more seats in the Assembly of the Republic and do not form part of the Government shall, as laid down by law, possess the right to broadcasting time on the public radio and television service, which shall be apportioned in accordance with each party’s proportional share of the seats in the Assembly, as well as to reply or respond politically to the Government’s political statements. Such times shall be of the same duration and prominence as those given over to the Government’s broadcasts and statements. Parties with seats in the Legislative Assemblies of the autonomous regions shall enjoy the same rights within the ambit of the region in question. 3. During elections and as laid down by law, candidates shall possess the right to regular and equitable broadcasting time on radio and television stations with a national or regional scope.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Poland

      Article 54.1. The freedom to express opinions, to acquire and to disseminate information shall be ensured to everyone. 2. Preventive censorship of the means of social communication and the licensing of the press shall be prohibited. Statutes may require the receipt of a permit for the operation of a radio or television station.

    • Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

      Art. 54.1. Każdemu zapewnia się wolność wyrażania swoich poglądów oraz pozyskiwania i rozpowszechniania informacji.2. Cenzura prewencyjna środków społecznego przekazu oraz koncesjonowanie prasy są zakazane. Ustawa może wprowadzić obowiązek uprzedniego uzyskania koncesji na prowadzenie stacji radiowej lub telewizyjnej.

    • Constitution of Malta

      Article 41(1) Except with his own consent or by way of parental discipline, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of expression, including freedom to hold opinion without interference, freedom to receive ideas and information without interference, freedom to communicate ideas and information without interference (whether the communication be to the public generally or to any person or class of persons) and freedom from interference with his correspondence. (2) Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of subsection (1) of this section to the extent that the law in question makes provision (a) that is reasonably required (i) in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public morality or decency, or public health; or (ii) for the purpose of protecting the reputations rights and freedoms of other persons, or the private lives of persons concerned in legal proceedings, preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, maintaining the authority and independence of the courts, protecting the privileges of Parliament, or regulating telephony, telegraphy, posts, wireless broadcasting, television or other means of communication, public exhibitions or public entertainments; or (b) that imposes restrictions upon public officers, and except so far as that provision or, as the case may be, the thing done under the authority thereof is shown not to be reasonably justifiable in a democratic society. (3) Anyone who is resident in Malta may edit or print a newspaper or journal published daily or periodically: Provided that provision may be made by law (a) prohibiting or restricting the editing or printing of any such newspaper or journal by persons under twenty-one years of age; and (b) requiring any person who is the editor or printer of any such newspaper or journal to inform the prescribed authority to that effect and of his age and to keep the prescribed authority informed of his place of residence. (4) Where the police seize any edition of a newspaper as being the means whereby a criminal offence has been committed they shall within twenty-four hours of the seizure bring the seizure to the notice of the competent court and if the court is not satisfied that there is a prima facie case of such offence, that edition shall be returned to the person from whom it was seized. (5) No person shall be deprived of his citizenship under any provisions made under section 301(1) (b) of this Constitution or of his juridical capacity by reason only of his political opinions.

    • Constitution du Grand Duche de Luxembourg

      Article 24. La liberté de manifester ses opinions par la parole en toutes matières, et la liberté de la presse sont garanties, sauf la répression des délits commis à l'occasion de l'exercice de ces libertés. - La censure ne pourra jamais être établie.

    • Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

      Article 24. The freedom to manifest one's opinion by speech in all matters, and the freedom of the press are guaranteed, save the repression of offenses committed on the occasion of the exercise of these freedoms. - Censorship may never be established.

    • Liberte D’expression Dans Les Medias Loi Du 8 Juin 2004 Sur La Liberté D’expression Dans Les Médias

      Art. 1er. La présente loi vise à assurer la liberté d'expression dans le domaine des médias. Art. 2. Conformément à l'article 10 de la Convention de sauvegarde des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales, signée à Rome, le 4 novembre 1950 et approuvée par la loi du 29 août 1953, toute restriction ou ingérence en la matière doit être prévue par la loi, poursuivre un but légitime et être nécessaire dans une société démocratique, c'est-à-dire répondre à un besoin social impérieux et être proportionnée au but légitime poursuivi.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania

      Article 25. Everyone shall have the right to have his own convictions and freely express them. No one must be hindered from seeking, receiving, or imparting information and ideas. The freedom to express convictions, as well as to receive and impart information, may not be limited otherwise than by law when this is necessary to protect human health, honour or dignity, private life, or morals, or to defend the constitutional order. The freedom to express convictions and to impart information shall be incompatible with criminal actions—incitement to national, racial, religious, or social hatred, incitement to violence or to discrimination, as well as defamation and disinformation. Citizens shall have the right to receive, according to the procedure established by law, any information held about them by state institutions. Article 44. Censorship of mass information shall be prohibited.The State, political parties, political and public organisations, and other institutions or persons may not monopolise the mass media.

    • Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija

      25 straipsnis. Žmogus turi teisę turėti savo įsitikinimus ir juos laisvai reikšti. Žmogui neturi būti kliudoma ieškoti, gauti ir skleisti informaciją bei idėjas. Laisvė reikšti įsitikinimus, gauti ir skleisti informaciją negali būti ribojama kitaip, kaip tik įstatymu, jei tai būtina apsaugoti žmogaus sveikatai, garbei ir orumui, privačiam gyvenimui, dorovei ar ginti konstitucinei santvarkai.Laisvė reikšti įsitikinimus ir skleisti informaciją nesuderinama su nusikalstamais veiksmais - tautinės, rasinės, religinės ar socialinės neapykantos, prievartos bei diskriminacijos kurstymu, šmeižtu ir dezinformacija.Pilietis turi teisę įstatymo nustatyta tvarka gauti valstybės įstaigų turimą informaciją apie jį. 44 straipsnis. Masinės informacijos cenzūra draudžiama.Valstybė, politinės partijos, politinės ir visuomeninės organizacijos, kitos institucijos ar asmenys negali monopolizuoti masinės informacijos priemonių.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Latvia

      100. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, which includes the right to freely receive, keep and distribute information and to express their views. Censorship is prohibited.

    • Freedom of Information Law

      Section 2. (1) The purpose of this Law is to ensure public access to information which is under the control of State administrative institutions and Local Government institutions for the performance of their specified functions as prescribed in regulatory enactments. This Law determines a uniform procedure by which natural and legal persons are entitled to obtain information from State administrative institutions and Local Government institutions (hereinafter - institutions), and to utilise it.(2) This Law applies to documented information which is within the circulation of information of institutions.

    • Latvijas Republikas Satversme

      100. Ikvienam ir tiesības uz vārda brīvību, kas ietver tiesības brīvi iegūt, paturēt un izplatīt informāciju, paust savus uzskatus. Cenzūra ir aizliegta. 

    • Constitution of the Italian Republic

      Art. 21. Anyone has the right to freely express their thoughts in speech, writing, or any other form of communication. The press may not be subjected to any authorisation or censorship. Seizure may be permitted only by judicial order stating the reason and only for offences expressly determined by the law on the press or in case of
      violation of the obligation to identify the persons responsible for such offences. In such cases, when there is absolute urgency and timely intervention of the Judiciary is not possible, a periodical may be confiscated by the criminal police, which shall immediately and in no case later than 24 hours refer the matter to the Judiciary for validation. In default of such validation in the following 24 hours, the measure shall be revoked and considered null and void. The law may introduce general provisions for the disclosure of financial sources of periodical publications. Publications, performances, and other exhibits offensive to public morality shall be prohibited. Measures of preventive and repressive measure against such violations shall be established by law.

    • Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana

      Art. 21. Tutti hanno diritto di manifestare liberamente il proprio pensiero con la parola, lo scritto e ogni altro mezzo di diffusione. La stampa non può essere soggetta ad autorizzazioni o censure. Si può procedere a sequestro soltanto per atto motivato dell'autorità giudiziaria nel caso di delitti, per i quali la legge sulla stampa espressamente lo autorizzi, o nel caso di violazione delle norme che la legge stessa prescriva per l'indicazione dei responsabili. In tali casi, quando vi sia assoluta urgenza e non sia possibile il tempestivo intervento dell'autorità giudiziaria, il sequestro della stampa periodica può essere eseguito da ufficiali di polizia giudiziaria, che devono immediatamente, e non mai oltre ventiquattro ore, fare denunzia all'autorità giudiziaria. Se questa non lo convalida nelle ventiquattro ore successive, il sequestro si intende revocato e privo d'ogni effetto. La legge può stabilire, con norme di carattere generale, che siano resi noti i mezzi di finanziamento della stampa periodica. Sono vietate le pubblicazioni a stampa, gli spettacoli e tutte le altre manifestazioni contrarie al buon costume. La legge stabilisce provvedimenti adeguati a prevenire e a reprimere le violazioni.

    • Constitution of Ireland

      Article 40.6 1. The State guarantees liberty for the exercise of the following rights, subject to public order and morality: i. The right of the citizens to express freely their convictions and opinions. The education of public opinion being, however, a matter of such grave import to the common good, the state shall endeavour to ensure that organs of public opinion, such as the radio, the press, the cinema, while preserving their rightful
      liberty of expression, including criticism
      of Government policy, shall not be used
      to undermine public order or morality or
      the authority of the state.

    • Freedom of Information (Amendment) Act 2003

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