Compendium of practices for equality data collection

The Compendium of Practices on Equality Data covers practices on different discrimination grounds and areas of life in which discrimination, inequality and exclusion can occur. The compendium is linked to the Guidelines on improving the collection and use of equality data and aims to provide inspiration and practical examples on how to implement them. Read more >>

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64 Promising Practices found

  • Country:
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Map existing sources, Foster inter-institutional cooperation, Build up data hub, Facilitate effective use
    Ground of discrimination:
    Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Sexual orientation, Intersex / variation of sex characteristics, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    In 2013, the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs started to develop a web-based data hub that systematises data on the living conditions and life situations of people with disabilities and makes them accessible to a wide audience. It was subsequently extended to also cover LGBTIQ people and work is currently ongoing to include data on ethnicity.
  • Datenbank der Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Build institutional capacity, Operational guidelines, Mainstream intersectional approach, Ensure regular and timely data collection
    Ground of discrimination:
    Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, All grounds / Cross-cutting, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The Austrian Ombud for Equal Treatment (OET) introduced a new database in 2016. All requests filed with the OET, including discrimination complaints, are systematically recorded there. The database is used for monitoring and reporting. It also helps the OET develop strategic action plans.
  • Country:
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Foster inter-institutional cooperation, Operational guidelines, Mainstream equality data, Ensure representativeness, Collect information on self-identification, Improve comparability, Ensure regular and timely data collection
    Ground of discrimination:
    Racial or ethnic origin
    The practice consisted of a debate on the possibility of collecting data on ethnic origin in order to accurately diagnose and better understand, monitor and act against racial or ethnic discrimination suffered by Africans, Afro-descendants, Asians, Roma and other groups who have not undergone any migratory process and/or are Spanish.
  • Country:
    United Kingdom
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Facilitate effective use, Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Ensure representativeness, Improve comparability, Mainstream intersectional approach
    Ground of discrimination:
    Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, All grounds / Cross-cutting, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The British Equality and Human Rights Commission has conducted a representative survey that measures discrimination experiences of groups with protected characteristics and explores attitudes of the general public towards discrimination and equality issues in Britain. The results of the survey were first published in a report on 11 October 2018.
  • Country:
    Operational guidelines, Mainstream equality data, Ensure regular and timely data collection, Ensure representativeness, Improve comparability
    Ground of discrimination:
    Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    In 2020, the Centre for Equal Treatment (CET), in cooperation with TNS Ilres, conducted a survey collecting data on the experiences of discrimination among a representative sample of the general population, to analyse and monitor discrimination based on several grounds. The sample has been adjusted according to the following variables: age, sex, nationality, work activity and region of residence.
  • Country:
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Foster inter-institutional cooperation, Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Enhance validity and reliability, Ensure representativeness
    Ground of discrimination:
    Gender identity or expression, Sexual orientation, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    In March 2018, the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) and the National Anti-Discrimination Office (UNAR) signed an agreement to carry out comprehensive research project looking into discrimination against LGBT people as well as entrepreneurial diversity management policies in the area of employment. The project will strongly involve various LGBT stakeholders in the research design and planned respondent outreach activities and applies a multi-perspective and intersectional approach.
  • Country:
    Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Enhance validity and reliability
    Ground of discrimination:
    Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The 2023 Discrimination Survey will monitor opinions and experiences of discrimination. The objective is to ensure an adequate impact assessment of policies in the field of equality and non-discrimination data collection, and it will cover all grounds of discrimination and several areas of life, such as education, employment, housing, health, access to goods and services, and political participation. A pilot survey will be carried out in 2022.
  • Country:
    Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Enhance validity and reliability, Improve comparability
    Ground of discrimination:
    Age, Racial or ethnic origin, Sex
    In 2015, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment of the Netherlands commissioned a research company to conduct online discrimination testing in the labour market on grounds of age, ethnicity and gender. The research will be replicated in 2018/2019.
  • Baromètres de la diversité
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Facilitate effective use, Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness
    Ground of discrimination:
    Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, All grounds / Cross-cutting, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    Since 2012, the Belgian Equality Body Unia regularly releases diversity barometers to support evidence-based policies tackling discrimination and inequalities. Drawing on a range of data sources, the different editions of the barometer picture the state of equality in three key areas of life: employment (2012), housing (2014) and education (2018).
  • Ikäihmisten moninaisuus näkyväksi: Selvitys vähemmistöihin kuuluvien ikääntyneiden henkilöiden kokemasta syrjinnästä sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa
    Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Enhance validity and reliability, Ensure representativeness, Mainstream intersectional approach
    Ground of discrimination:
    Age, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    In 2014, the Finish Ministry of Justice carried out a study on discrimination experienced by elderly minority groups, including ethnic, religious and LGBT groups and linguistic minorities, in the area of health and social services. This helped shine a light on intersectional and multiple discrimination of the target group.