Compendium of practices for equality data collection

The Compendium of Practices on Equality Data covers practices on different discrimination grounds and areas of life in which discrimination, inequality and exclusion can occur. The compendium is linked to the Guidelines on improving the collection and use of equality data and aims to provide inspiration and practical examples on how to implement them. Read more >>

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64 Promising Practices found

  • Country:
    United Kingdom
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Map existing sources, Foster inter-institutional cooperation, Build up data hub, Build institutional capacity, Facilitate effective use
    Ground of discrimination:
    Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, All grounds / Cross-cutting, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The UK Office for National Statistics carried out an audit of data sources and publications that are available to understand equalities in the UK today including outcomes for all nine of the protected characteristic groups covered by the Equality Act in six areas of life. The final report of the audit was published in October 2018.
  • Country:
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Foster inter-institutional cooperation, Build institutional capacity, Operational guidelines, Mainstream equality data, Enhance validity and reliability, Ensure representativeness
    Ground of discrimination:
    Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, All grounds / Cross-cutting, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs finances the position of an Equality Coordinator within Statistics Norway. The Equality Coordinator is responsible for coordinating statistics operations related to equality issues and functions as a focal point between different state bodies.
  • Country:
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Ensure regular and timely data collection, Ensure representativeness
    Ground of discrimination:
    Disability, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    Since 2017, Statistics Norway and the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs have been jointly working on improving the knowledge base of equality data on people with disabilities by combining administrative data from government services registers.
  • Country:
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Build up data hub, Build institutional capacity, Operational guidelines, Ensure representativeness, Improve comparability
    Ground of discrimination:
    Age, Disability, Sex, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    This survey aims to gain statistically sound, nationally representative and internationally comparable statistics on the frequency of gender-based violence. In particular, it will cover the gender dimension of significant types of crime, interpersonal conditions that might influence crime patterns, personal consequences of crime, reporting practices, attitudes towards police, readiness of the legal and health system to tackle the issues covered by the survey, intensity of certain types of crime, and a general but statistically sound socio-demographic picture of both perpetrators and victims.
  • Evaluering van discriminatie op de Brusselse huurmarkt door middel van praktijktesten/ Evaluation des pratiques discriminatoires sur le marché locatif bruxellois au moyen de tests de situations
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Facilitate effective use, Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness
    Ground of discrimination:
    Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, All grounds / Cross-cutting, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    In 2016 and 2017, the Brussels Capital Region commissioned the Free University of Brussels to conduct discrimination testing in the housing sector of this region, with a view to establish discrimination patterns on grounds of ethnic origin, source of income, disability, family composition, age and gender and recommend measures to tackle them.
  • Country:
    Operational guidelines, Mainstream equality data, Collect information on self-identification, Improve comparability, Ensure regular and timely data collection
    Ground of discrimination:
    Racial or ethnic origin, Sex
    This study offers a first examination of the black, African and Afro-descendant population living in Spain: its sociodemographic profiles, identities, needs and experiences of discrimination, together with the demand for anti-discrimination rights and policies.
  • Ervaren Discriminatie in Nederland
    Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Enhance validity and reliability, Ensure representativeness, Improve comparability, Mainstream intersectional approach, Ensure regular and timely data collection
    Ground of discrimination:
    Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, All grounds / Cross-cutting, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP) conducted surveys in 2013 and 2018/2019 collecting data on the experiences of discrimination among the general population. The survey closes a previous gap of data on the extent of discrimination by looking at various discrimination grounds across several areas of life in the Netherlands and uses booster samples for groups with specific ethnic backgrounds.
  • Forum for likestillingsdata
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Foster inter-institutional cooperation, Build institutional capacity, Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Mainstream equality data
    Ground of discrimination:
    Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, All grounds / Cross-cutting, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality has set up a forum on equality data bringing together key data generators, such as Statistics Norway, and data users such as selected Ministries, agencies and the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud. The forum aims to achieve a more comprehensive and systematic approach to the collection of data on equality and discrimination.
  • Country:
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Map existing sources, Foster inter-institutional cooperation, Build up data hub
    Ground of discrimination:
    Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, Intersex / variation of sex characteristics, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The project aims to improve the collection and processing of equality data in Belgium and to provide a centralised platform to improve accessibility and transparency. The result will be a hub of equality data sources in Belgium for three discrimination grounds (‘racial’ criteria; religion or belief; and sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex).
  • Country:
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Foster inter-institutional cooperation, Build up data hub, Facilitate effective use, Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Mainstream equality data, Ensure regular and timely data collection, Enhance validity and reliability, Improve comparability
    Ground of discrimination:
    Disability, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The Irish National Disability Authority has developed a set of 58 indicators to measure progress against the National Disability Inclusion Strategy 2017-2021. The gathering of data identified within this indicator set is intended to: enhance the body of data available on disability; measure outcomes related to key disability actions and policies; and drive the collection of disability data in a timely and regular manner by mainstream departments and agencies.