
Listina Evropske unije o temeljnih pravicah

Člen 21 - Prepoved diskriminacije

Člen 21 - Prepoved diskriminacije

1. Prepovedana je vsakršna diskriminacija na podlagi spola, rase, barve kože, etničnega ali socialnega porekla, genetskih značilnosti, jezika, vere ali prepričanja, političnega ali drugega mnenja, pripadnosti narodnostni manjšini, premoženja, rojstva, invalidnosti, starosti ali spolne usmerjenosti.
2. Brez poseganja v posebne določbe Pogodb je na njunem področju uporabe prepovedana vsakršna diskriminacija na podlagi državljanstva.

  • Text:

    Odstavek 1 izhaja iz člena 13 Pogodbe ES, ki ga je sedaj nadomestil člen 19 Pogodbe o delovanju Evropske unije, iz 14. člena EKČP in – glede genetske dediščine – iz 11. člena Konvencije o človekovih pravicah v zvezi z biomedicino. Če ustreza 14. členu EKČP, se uporablja v skladu s slednjim.
    Med odstavkom 1 in členom 19 Pogodbe o delovanju Evropske unije ni neskladja ali nezdružljivosti, saj ima slednji drugo področje uporabe in namen: člen 19 Uniji dodeljuje pristojnost, da sprejema zakonodajne akte, vključno z usklajevanjem zakonov in drugih predpisov držav članic za boj proti nekaterim oblikam diskriminacije, ki so izčrpno naštete v tem členu. Taka zakonodaja lahko vključuje dejavnosti organov držav članic (kot tudi odnose med posamezniki) na vseh področjih v okviru pristojnosti Unije. V nasprotju s tem pa določbe člena 21(1) ne določajo nobenih pooblastil za sprejemanje protidiskriminacijskih zakonov na teh področjih delovanja držav članic ali posameznikov, niti ne določajo splošne prepovedi diskriminacije na teh področjih. Namesto tega se nanašajo zgolj na diskriminacijo s strani samih institucij in teles Unije pri izvajanju pristojnosti, dodeljenih po pogodbah, in s strani držav članic pri izvajanju zakonodaje Unije. Odstavek 1 torej ne spreminja niti obsega pristojnosti iz člena 19 niti razlage tega člena.
    Odstavek 2 ustreza členu 18(1) Pogodbe o delovanju Evropske unije in ga je treba uporabljati ob upoštevanju tega člena.

    Uradni list Evropske unije C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
    Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
    V nadaljevanju navedena pojasnila so bila prvotno pripravljena pod vodstvom predsedstva Konvencije, ki je sestavilo Listino Evropske unije o temeljnih pravicah. Ta pojasnila so bila posodobljena pod vodstvom predsedstva Evropske konvencije zaradi prilagoditve besedila Listine s strani omenjene konvencije (zlasti členov 51 in 52) in nadaljnjega razvoja prava Unije. Čeprav sama nimajo pravne veljave, so dragocena pomoč pri razlagi in pojasnjevanju določb Listine.

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  • Report / Paper / Summary
    This report is the first EU-MIDIS ‘Data in Focus' report examining discrimination and victimisation experienced by the Roma. Of all the groups surveyed by the FRA, the Roma emerged as the group most vulnerable to discrimination and crime. The FRA has therefore analysed their situation in a ‘data in focus' report, the first in a series of reports on minority groups and issues covered by the survey.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    The report gives an overview of the EU-MIDIS survey, explaining why the survey was carried out and how it was carried out. It also presents some examples of the findings of the survey.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    The Agency has published on 2nd March its new "Antisemitism Summary overview of the situation in the European Union 2001-2008". This publication is the 5th update of its 2004 report "Manifestations of antisemitism in the EU" with new statistical data.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    In order to enhance its work and develop a new strategy on addressing the situation of Roma and Travellers communities, the FRA has consulted in 2008 with a selected number of organisations actively involved in work on Roma and Travellers issues and are familiar with the work already undertaken by the Agency. The Council of Europe, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Decade of Roma Inclusion, the European Commission and the European level organisations representing Roma and Traveller interests and/or engaging on behalf of the Roma and Traveller communities have been included through questionnaire consultation and were invited to take part at the FRA Roma Consultative meeting on 9 July 2008. This FRA Report presents the results of this consultation process.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    This report provides information on the impact of the recent events in the Ponticelli district of Naples on Roma, immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers in May-June 2008. The report brings together the basic facts on these violent attacks as well as background information regarding the situation of Roma in Italy. It also describes efforts to address the situation by the Italian Authorities and the International Community, in particular the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, and Civil society organisations.Available languages: English, French, German, Italian and Romanian (PDF format).
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    The Annual Report 2008 is the first to be produced on the basis of the FRA legal base and mandate (Council Regulation 168//2007, art. 4.1(e)). This summary highlights information, events and developments related to racism and xenophobia in the EU for the year 2007 which are contained in the 2008 Annual Report.
  • Fundamental Rights Report
    The Annual Report 2008 is the first to be produced on the basis of the FRA legal base and mandate (Council Regulation 168//2007, art. 4.1(e)). It covers information, events and developments related to racism and xenophobia in the EU for the year 2007, which was the Agency's focus of work prior to the adoption of its Multiannual Framework in February 2008. The report summarises the findings of the Agency's on-going data collection through its RAXEN National Focal Points (NFPs) in each of the 27 Member States of the EU.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    The report brings together experiences from a number of cities across Europe. It focuses on fields such as education, employment and the provision of public services which all remain critical for the success of building cohesive communities.
  • Fundamental Rights Report
    Unequal treatment continues in employment, housing and education, according to data collected by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Figures for racist crime in 2005 and 2006 are up in a number of EU countries. While there are more signs that the EU's anti-discrimination legislation is having a positive impact, victims of discrimination still lack knowledge of the new rules.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    The report analyses the impact of the bomb attacks on the EU's Muslim communities, examining government and police responses to the events, the reaction from Muslim communities, media reporting, and the possibility of an anti-Muslim backlash, in the EU and in the UK in particular.