
This video blog by FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty is released periodically and will address burning fundamental rights themes.
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The Agency discussed with Member States and civil society representatives the creation of an EASO network of vulnerability experts.
Only four EU Member States prohibit the solitary confinement of child detainees even though such detention can harm a child’s health and development. This is just one of the many ways age limits can impact child’s rights, outlined in a new European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights report. It suggests how Member States can remove inconsistencies to better deliver child protection.
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The Agency took part in European Regional Task Force meetings in Catania from 9 to 10 April which were fully dedicated to discussing protecting fundamental rights as part of the work of those involved in managing migratory flows.
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The European Commission’s coordinator on combating antisemitism hosted a workshop for representatives of youth or student organisations in cooperation with the European Union of Jewish Students and the Institute for Jewish Policy Research from 8 to 10 April in Brussels.
This video blog by FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty is released periodically and addresses burning fundamental rights themes.
Press Release
Poor sanitation, hunger, youth unemployment – Roma in the EU face these basic challenges in their daily life, finds the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights’ latest report. It underlines the persistent inequalities that have long plagued Europe’s Roma in many countries of one of the world’s richest regions.
Poor sanitation, hunger, youth unemployment – Roma in the EU face these basic challenges in their daily life, finds the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights’ latest Report.
In 2011, the EU called on Member States to advance Roma inclusion.
They all had to come up with integration strategies to meet a series of EU-wide goals.
To date, Member States still fall short on most of the targets.
IT systems can help trace missing migrant children and combat identity theft. But there are also significant risks to people’s fundamental rights, for instance not being fairly treated within the asylum procedure. So finds the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in a new report. As authorities increasingly rely on these systems, the report suggests ways to better defend the rights of those affected.
Promoting equality and combating racism are essential to fortify social cohesion and democratic security, the heads of three European human rights institutions said in a joint statement on today’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
This infographic illustrates the positive and negative impact on fundamental rights of using large-scale IT systems for security and border management.
In this third edition of his video blog FRA Director, Michael O'Flaherty, focuses on bolstering our human rights communications to underline why human rights matter to us all.
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The FRA Director reflected on the particular challenges which civil society organisations face during the OSCE Human Dimension Committee on 27 February in Vienna.
For the past two years, FRA has been visiting reception centres for migrants across the EU.
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The Agency explored aspects of the online human rights tool it is developing with the UN’s human rights office in Geneva on 16 and 17 January.
Press Release
In many parts of the EU, civil society is under threat, finds a new report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Given the vital role civil society plays in upholding democratic processes and in promoting human rights, decision makers need to ensure the important work of civil society is not undermined through policy and legal changes and funding cuts.
Civil society is under threat in too many places in Europe.
Michael O'Flaherty
FRA's Director explained how human rights protection and stronger security go hand-in-hand during an exchange of views with members of the European Parliament’s Special Committee on Terrorism at their meeting on 8 January in Brussels. ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY **
Mario Oetheimer presented FRA’s second surveillance report to the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Committee on 21 November in Brussels.