Denmark, B 77 Forslag til folketingsbeslutning om valgret til personer, der er under værgemål med fratagelse af den retlige handleevne, til folketingsvalg og folkeafstemninger

Denmark, B77 Resolution on the right to vote to persons who are under guardianship with deprivation of the legal trade capacity, in parliamentary elections and referendums
Trine Torp
Published in
Samling 2015-16 besluftningsforslag
B 77
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This parliamentary debate was based on a proposal for a parliamentary resolution drafted by the Socialist People’s Party (Socialistisk Folkeparti, SF). In the spokesperson’s speech to Parliament, a general reference there was referred made in general to the Charter along in connection with references to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (see quote below).
On the three conventions mentioned above, the spokesperson, Ms Trine Torp, stated that they ‘determine that any discrimination based on, inter alia, disabilities that are not objectively justified and proportionate, is prohibited’ and, hereinafter, mentions situations where persons with disabilities have had an impact on decisions on municipality level but not on national level as an example of discrimination.