How to use this site

This page provides help on using this website for people with disabilities.

If you have poor vision:

  • You can easily change the size of the text by pressing Ctrl and Plus (+) or Ctrl and Minus (-) on Windows (Cmd and Plus or Cmd and Minus on Mac). Pressing Ctrl and Zero (0) (Cmd and Zero on Mac) restores the default text size.

If you have difficulties in navigating:

If you have trouble with PDF files:

Some of our content is in PDF format. Our newer PDF files will be as accessible as possible, but we acknowledge that older ones may not be. Some documents, particularly those on the topic of disability, are available in an alternative format (Microsoft Word). If you experience problems with any files on the site, please contact us at

Other accessibility resources:

Most modern computers and mobile devices have very good accessibility features built in. Some comprehensive resources to help you find out about what your computer or mobile device can do are: