Study of the 21st Century Police Model

Roberto Seijo Urgell, Secretary General of the Ertzainen Nazional Elkartasuna, ERNE, of the Basque Autonomous Police
Publication Year
By agreement of the Commission for the Study of the 21st Century Police Model, the Secretary General of the Basque Autonomous Police appeared on February 28 2019 and stated that for the corporation he represents, the 21st century police model must be based on the principles of democratic, civil police, close to citizens, guarantors of human and social rights, as well as the law.
Quote: “Mantener hoy en día excepciones y peculiaridades en asuntos como representación, libertad de expresión y régimen disciplinario no se sustenta y es contrario a la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea y, en todo caso, debe abordarse desde la necesaria importancia y plasmación práctica que el código deontológico de los policías debe tener en la praxis policial.”
Translated quote: “Maintaining exceptions and peculiarities today in matters such as representation, freedom of expression and the disciplinary regime is not supported and is contrary to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and, in any case, must be addressed with the necessary importance and practical expression that the code of ethics of the police should have in police practice.”