The project aims to provide EU Institutions and Member States with analytical situational overviews, timely understanding of emerging new migratory trends, and evidence-based anticipation of migratory movements.
The forecasting exercise will produce quantitative and qualitative information with prediction estimates from 1 month up to a year ahead. It will be based on sound and state-of-the-art scientific methodology. There will be three main IT tools: a migration data repository and gathering tool; an early warning and migration data analysis tool; and a migration forecasting tool.
FRA offered to stand ready to provide input, for example by feeding in research findings on the fundamental rights implications of AI as well as our regular FRANET country updates.
The European Commission hosted the meeting. The European Commission and its Joint Research Centre, European External Action Service, Frontex, Europol, EUAA, eu-LISA, FRA, and Eurostat attended.