Promising Practice

Interactive Map of Gender Equality in Municipalities

In 2018, Statistics Lithuania started developing a user-friendly interactive map on gender equality in 60 municipalities. This allowed equality between women and men to be monitored based on more than 40 indicators.
Institutional and structural guidelines
Map existing sources
Foster inter-institutional cooperation
Facilitate effective use
Operational guidelines
Ensure regular and timely data collection
Improve comparability

Promising practice :


In this page:

Why was the practice needed?

Statistics Lithuania in collaboration with the Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson and the Ministry of Social Security and Labour are partners of a wider EU-funded project on ‘Municipalities’ Success code – Gender Equality’ („Savivaldybės sėkmės kodas – lyčių lygybė“ ). Statistics Lithuania initiated the creation of the special gender equality indicators oriented interactive map within the context of this project.

The interactive map is intended to provide an easy and accessible tool for society at large to monitor and compare gender equality across all 60 Lithuanian municipalities based on more than 40 indicators.

The indicators cover the areas of demography, socio-economic status, economic empowerment, access to various care services, decision making, health, violence in public places and domestic violence.

How was it implemented?

The first step was to map existing data, sources and data providers. This allowed already existing indicators, indicators that could be improved and indicators that were in development to be identified. On the basis of this mapping exercise the list of indicators was finalised.

The data populating these indicators are drawn basically from administrative data sources. Since these sources use common categories and definitions, regular and timely data collection and comparability across municipalities is ensured.

The cooperating institutions included the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the Institute of Hygiene, the State Tax Inspectorate, the Central Electoral Commission, the Ministry of Justice and the Centre of Information Technologies in Education.

The next step was the creation of an interactive map, using Geographic Information System (GIS) tools (Esri ArcGIS) featuring the selected indicators. This map is accesible through the official statistical portal.

Finally, the project included a dissemination phase to inform all relevant stakeholders about the interactive map and the different uses that can be made of it.


  • The interactive map is accessible through the Official Statistics Portal and is updated regularly.
  • The link to the map can also be accessed from the websites of the equal opportunities ombudsperson and of local administrations. Users are able to compare the state of gender equality across 60 municipalities and more than 40 indicators.

Key success factors

  • Collaboration between various institutions, including the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the Institute of Hygiene, the State Tax Inspectorate, the Central Electoral Commission, the Ministry of Justice and the Centre of Information Technologies in Education in implementing the practise, as well as the availability of suitable technical tools (Esri ArcGIS).

Technical information

  • Data sources covered: Census; Administrative data; Household or individual surveys.
  • Areas of life covered: Employment; Education; Health; Social Protection; Housing and living conditions; Access to goods and services; Others: violence in public places and domestic violence, decision making, economic empowerment.
  • Target audience: Local administrations, public administrations, equality bodies, civil society organisations, media and the general population
  • Duration: Development between 2018-2019, regular updates after development
  • Geographical scope: Local, regional and national
  • Leading institution: Statistics Lithuania
  • Other organisations involved/consulted: Office of The Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson, Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania, Lithuanian Women‘s Lobby Organisation and local administrations
  • Financial & human resources: Budget: approximately €38,000; Source of the budget: EU-funding; Staff: for development period 2018-2019: around 5,000 working hours for 20 specialists from different divisions of Statistics Lithuania


Statistics Lithuania / Lietuvos statistikos departamentas

Email: statistika (at) stat (dot) gov (dot) lt