Promising Practice

Perception of discrimination in Spain: 2013 and 2016 surveys

Encuesta sobre percepción de la discriminación en España: encuestas 2013 y 2016
In 2013 and 2016, the Spanish Institute of Women and for Equal Opportunities carried out two comprehensive surveys on the perceptions of discrimination and anti-discrimination policies, experiences of discrimination and attitudes towards minority groups among the general population in Spain. A comparative report on both surveys was released in 2018.
Operational guidelines
Ensure comprehensiveness
Ensure regular and timely data collection
Improve comparability
Gender identity or expression
Racial or ethnic origin
Religion or belief
Sexual orientation
All grounds / Cross-cutting
Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination


In this page:

Why was the practice needed?

In Spain official statistics on discrimination and research providing systematic and comprehensive knowledge on discrimination was lacking. In response, the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality drafted an initial diagnosis to identify the scope and availability of recent statistical sources and studies and to highlight knowledge gaps. The main outcome was the Diagnostic study of secondary sources on discrimination in Spain (2013), which contained recommendations and proposals to fill data gaps.

This report highlighted the need for a comprehensive reference data source for studying discrimination that could be reviewed and updated periodically. According to the recommendations, this longitudinal approach to discrimination should be based on quantitative as well as qualitative analysis. It also underlined the need for in-depth analyses of the discrimination experiences of minority groups.

This reason encouraged the Institute of Women and for Equal Opportunities (IWEO) to carry out in 2013 the first comprehensive survey on discrimination in cooperation with the Sociological Research Centre (CIS). The survey measured four different aspects of discrimination:

  • the perception of the general population about the prevalence of discrimination, the minorities affected and the areas of life in which it takes place;
  • the (direct or indirect, as witness) experiences of discrimination, rights awareness and (under)reporting of discrimination;
  • the attitudes of tolerance/intolerance towards a diverse society in general and towards different minority groups in particular;
  • the views of the general population on the implementation of equality-enhancing public policies.

The survey was repeated in 2016. Both surveys have been pioneers in Spain because of their comprehensive approach and the fact that they have considered all discrimination grounds, also including for the first time questions on AIDS discrimination and on transgender people.

The survey results can inform decision makers in creating law and implementing public policies to tackle discrimination. They can also help evaluate existing national mechanisms to combat inequality and show the support of the population for non-discrimination policies.

How was it implemented?

The sample design was identical in the 2013 and 2016 surveys. In both, data were collected from 2,500 residents, male and female, aged 18 and older, through individual household interviews.

Both surveys shared the same questionnaire, which has allowed a comparative analysis of the data.

This research will continue to be conducted periodically every three-years to enable regular and systematic data collection and analysis.

The protected characteristics measured include: sex; racial or ethnic origin; religion or belief; (physical and mental) disability; age; sexual orientation; gender identity; nationality; political ideas; physical appearance; lack of economic resources; and mental, chronic or infectious disease.

The questionnaire allowed respondents to fill in multiple grounds with respect to experiences of discrimination, allowing for multiple discrimination analysis.

The questionnaire was divided into several sections, with each containing key questions that fit with the dimensions of discrimination to be measured:

  1. Opinions and attitudes of the general population on the degree to which they want to live in a multicultural society and perceptions of the prevalence of discrimination against certain groups in society.
  2. Experiences of discrimination in different areas of life, with special attention to employment. This section includes questions on the victim’s knowledge of rights and their experiences in filing discrimination complaints. It also asks for the identification of discriminating agents.
  3. Attitudes of the general population regarding tolerance/intolerance towards minority groups.
  4. General population’s assessment of public non-discrimination policies.


  • The results of the 2013 survey and the 2016 survey are compared in a survey report released in 2018.
  • The comparative analysis allows for an understanding of trends and developments. It includes comparative references to Special Eurobarometers 2012 and 2015, the European Social Survey 2008-2009, the EU MIDIS survey and the LGBT Survey carried out by FRA, as well as earlier studies on experiences of discrimination on grounds of racial or ethnic origin carried out in Spain.
  • Furthermore, to facilitate the interpretation of the data shown, the report carries out a media contextualisation based on press releases at the time when the fieldwork for the 2016 survey was conducted.

Key success factors

  • The technical support from the Spanish Center for Sociological Research as a specialised state agency ensured robust and reliable data.
  • A further enabling factor was the funding provided by the European Social Fund.

Technical information

  • Data sources covered: Household or individual surveys; Victimisation surveys; Attitudinal surveys.
  • Areas of life covered: Employment; Education; Health; Social Protection; Housing and living conditions; Access to good and services.
  • Target audience: Public administrations, equality bodies, civil society organisations, media, and the general population
  • Duration: 2013-present (every three years)
  • Geographical scope: National
  • Leading institution: Institute of Women and for Equal Opportunities (IWEO)
  • Other organisations involved/consulted: Sociological Research Centre (CIS)
  • Financial & human resources: Budget: €90,259 including VAT (2013) / €77,587 VAT not charged (2016); Source of the budget: European Social Fund; Staff: No information provided


Directorate General for Equal Treatment and Diversity (Dirección General de Igualdad de Trato y Diversidad)

Email: sgigualdadtrato (at) igualdad (dot) mpr (dot) es

Centre for Sociological Research / Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas

Email: secgral (at) cis (dot) es; cis (at) cis (dot) es