Past events

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The Rumourless Cities will host a workshop on European and local perspectives and actions against LGBTI discrimination. FRA will present the results of the EU LGBTI survey II during the workshop. The online workshop takes place on 25 January.
On 25 January, the European Commission representation to Albania is hosting an event with key stakeholders to exchange information about FRA's work.
FRA's Director will speak at an event dealing with National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) hosted by FRA’s Italian Management Board member. He will draw on the Agency's 2020 report on NHRIs.
FRA will join an online seminar on 19 January organised by the Open Society Justice Initiative. During the webinar, researchers will present findings from a comparative evaluation of police reforms in the UK and US.
FRA will draw on its hate crime work and victimisation data from its survey during a roundtable discussion on strengthening diversity in Portugal’s police. The roundtable takes place on 18 January.
On 18 January, FRA will host the second meeting of working group on hate crime recording, data collection and encouraging reporting.
Rights International Spain is hosting a webinar on public policies to eradicate ethnic profiling.
FRA and the European Court of Human Rights will launch the 2020 edition of the FRA and Council of Europe handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration. This online book launch will take place on 17 December. It is being organised in collaboration with the International Association of Refugee and Migration Judges and the European Asylum Support Office (EASO).
On 17 and 18 December, FRA will contribute to an expert meeting organised by the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Professor Olivier De Schutter. The meeting aims to help prepare the Special Rapporteur’s report on intergenerational transmission of poverty.
The EU Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) will hold an online webinar on policing during the pandemic.