37 straipsnis - Aplinkos apsauga
Aukštas aplinkosaugos lygis ir aplinkos kokybės gerinimas turi būti integruotas į Sąjungos politiką ir užtikrintas pagal tvaraus vystymosi principus.
Šiame straipsnyje numatyti principai grindžiami EB sutarties 2, 6 ir 174 straipsniais, dabar pakeistais Europos Sąjungos sutarties 3 straipsnio 3 dalimi ir Sutarties dėl Europos Sąjungos veikimo 11 ir 191 straipsniais. Jis taip pat remiasi kai kurių nacionalinių konstitucijų nuostatomis.
Article 1 Chacun a le droit de vivre dans un environnement équilibré et respectueux de la santé. Article 6 Les politiques publiques doivent promouvoir un développement durable. A cet effet, elles concilient la protection et la mise en valeur de l'environnement, le développement économique et le progrès social.
Article 1 Each person has the right to live in a balanced environment which shows due respect for health. Article 6 Public policies shall promote sustainable development. To this end they shall reconcile the protection and enhancement of the environment with economic development and social progress.
Article 20 Responsibility for the environment Nature and its biodiversity, the environment and the national heritage are the responsibility of everyone. The public authorities shall endeavour to guarantee for everyone the right to a healthy environment and for everyone the possibility to influence the decisions that concern their own living environment.
20 § Vastuu ympäristöstä Vastuu luonnosta ja sen monimuotoisuudesta, ympäristöstä ja kulttuuriperinnöstä kuuluu kaikille. Julkisen vallan on pyrittävä turvaamaan jokaiselle oikeus terveelliseen ympäristöön sekä mahdollisuus vaikuttaa elinympäristöään koskevaan päätöksentekoon.
Article 53. Everyone has a duty to preserve the human and natural environment and to compensate for harm that he or she has caused to the environment. The procedure for compensation is provided by law.
§ 53. Igaüks on kohustatud säästma elu- ja looduskeskkonda ning hüvitama kahju, mis ta on keskkonnale tekitanud. Hüvitamise korra sätestab seadus.
Article 70 Everyone shall have the right to a healthy life. The state shall ensure conditions for a healthy environment. Everyone shall, within the scope of their powers and activities, accord particular attention to the protection of human health, nature and the human environment.
Članak 70. Svatko ima pravo na zdrav život. Država osigurava uvjete za zdrav okoliš. Svatko je dužan, u sklopu svojih ovlasti i djelatnosti, osobitu skrb posvećivati zaštiti zdravlja ljudi, prirode i ljudskog okoliša.
Art. 15 The Republic of Bulgaria shall ensure the protection and reproduction of the environment, the conservation of living Nature in all its variety, and the sensible utilization of the country’s natural and other resources.Art. 55Everyone shall have the right to a healthy and favourable environment corresponding to established standards and norms. They shall protect the environment.
Чл. 15 Република България осигурява опазването и възпроизводството на околната среда, поддържането и разнообразието на живата природа и разумното използване на природните богатства и ресурсите на страната. Чл. 55Гражданите имат право на здравословна и благоприятна околна среда в съответствие с установените стандарти и нормативи. Те са длъжни да опазват околната среда.
Art. 23Ieder heeft het recht een menswaardig leven te leiden.Daartoe waarborgen de wet, het decreet of de in artikel 134 bedoelde regel, rekening houdend met de overeenkomstige plichten, de economische, sociale en culturele rechten, waarvan ze de voorwaarden voor de uitoefening bepalen.Die rechten omvatten inzonderheid: (...) 4° het recht op de bescherming van een gezond leefmilieu; (...)
Art. 23Chacun a le droit de mener une vie conforme à la dignité humaine.A cette fin, la loi, le décret ou la règle visée à l'article 134 garantissent, en tenant compte des obligations correspondantes, les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels, et déterminent les conditions de leur exercice.Ces droits comprennent notamment : (...)4° le droit à la protection d'un environnement sain;(...)
Article 23.Everyone has the right to lead a life in keeping with human dignity. To this end, the laws, federate laws and rules referred to in Article 134 guarantee economic, social and cultural rights, taking into account corresponding obligations, and determine the conditions for exercising them. These rights include among others: (…)4° the right to enjoy the protection of a healthy environment: (…)
§1 (erster Satz) In Österreich dürfen Atomwaffen nicht hergestellt, gelagert, transportiert, getestet oder verwendet werden.
§1 Die Republik Österreich (Bund, Länder und Gemeinden) bekennt sich zum Prinzip der Nachhaltigkeit bei der Nutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen, um auch zukünftigen Generationen bestmögliche Lebensqualität zu gewährleisten. §2 Die Republik Österreich (Bund, Länder und Gemeinden) bekennt sich zum Tierschutz. §3 (1) Die Republik Österreich (Bund, Länder und Gemeinden) bekennt sich zum umfassenden Umweltschutz.
§1 The Republic of Austria (federal government, federal provinces and municipalities) is committed to the principle of sustainability in using natural resources to ensure that future generations will also benefit from optimal quality of life. §2 The Republic of Austria (federal government, federal provinces and municipalities) is committed to animal protection. §3 (1) The Republic of Austria (federal government, federal provinces and municipalities) is committed to comprehensive environmental protection.
§1 (first sentence) Nuclear weapons must not be manufactured, stored, transported, tested or used in Austria.