
Parama žmogaus teisių sistemoms ir gynėjams

<p>Many organisations work to defend your rights. We help their efforts with independent evidence, advice and expertise.</p>
<p>We support their frontline work. And we shine a light on potential risks and priority areas. Together we make your rights a reality.</p>


  • Report / Paper / Summary
    All EU funds must be spent in a way that respect fundamental rights. The EU spends billions of euros on creating jobs, economic growth, sustainable development and improving people’s lives. To prevent funds from being spent in ways that directly violate people’s fundamental rights, the EU strengthened the conditions how funds can be spent in 2021. This report looks at how the newly introduced conditions related to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities can be upheld in practice. It analyses the potential role of national human rights institutions, ombudsperson institutions and equality bodies. These safeguards can advance compliance with fundamental rights.
  • Periodic updates / Series
    The 2024 update on NHRIs accreditation status and mandates also covers their engagement in the monitoring of fundamental rights compliance in the use of EU funds at national level. Moreover, the update also shows how NHRIs make use of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in their work when advising government or in education, training and awareness raising activities. Since its 2020 report 'Strong and effective national human rights institutions – challenges, promising practices and opportunities', the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has been regularly tracking the accreditation status and mandates of NHRIs.
  • Periodic updates / Series
    Civil society organisations struggle to maintain an environment safe from threats and attacks. FRA’s sixth annual update on civic space explores the challenges for organisations across the EU. While there has been significant development since FRA began monitoring the situation in 2018, civil society organisations remain under immense pressure. Abusive lawsuits and attacks against those involved in migrant search and rescue at sea are just some of the challenges identified. This report presents ways forward to protect civil society and human rights.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    This report proposes a framework for becoming, and functioning as, a ‘human rights city’ in the EU. It includes ‘foundations’, ‘structures’ and ‘tools’ for mayors, local administrations and grassroots organisations to reinforce fundamental rights locally. It is based on existing good practice and expert input by representatives of human rights cities in the EU, academic experts, international organisations and city networks.
In 2009, the FRA conducted the first EU-wide study of the role that European memorial sites, museums and exhibitions play with respect to educating young Europeans about the Holocaust and human rights. The findings of the study were presented at a Conference in Auschwitz on the 27 January bringing together Education Ministers from across Europe.
National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) protect and promote human rights at the national level, tackling systemic problems and raising fundamental rights awareness. To equip NHRIs to perform their role well, they should have, among other qualities, independence, powers and a broad mandate, in accordance with the so-called ‘Paris Principles’ which were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993 and set forth the primary minimum standards for an effective NHRI.
Copenhagen Seminar Report
Danish Presidency of the Council of the EU and EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (15–16 March 2012)
The European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) conducted European-wide research in 2009 on the contribution of memorial sites to Holocaust education and human rights education in the European Union (EU). This summary report, derived from the main report 'Discover the past for the future. The role of historical sites and museums in Holocaust education and human rights education in the EU', provides selected findings, discussion points and recommendations.
Pagrindinės teisės yra svarbiausios visų ES žmonių teisės ir laisvės. Jos yra vienodos visiems, nepaisant to, iš kur esate, kuo tikite ar kaip gyvenate.
Pagrindinių teisių platforma (FRP) yra FRA bendradarbiavimo ir keitimosi informacija su pilietinės visuomenės organizacijomis, dirbančiomis ES pagrindinių teisių srityje, kanalas.
Agentūra bendradarbiauja su Jungtinėmis Tautomis (JT), Europos saugumo ir bendradarbiavimo organizacija (ESBO), Europos Taryba ir kitomis tarptautinėmis organizacijomis. Šis bendradarbiavimas yra FRA Steigimo reglamento dalis ir apima ekspertų konsultacijas, konferencijas ir seminarus, taip pat dalijimąsi duomenimis ir informacija. Bendradarbiavimas sukuria sinergiją ir optimizuoja i&scaron;teklius, kad būtų i&scaron;vengta darbo dubliavimo. Jis taip pat padeda užtikrinti, kad skirtingų organizacijų veikla papildytų viena kitą siekiant, kad rekomendacijos ir konsultacijos būtų labiau suderintos.
The EU plays a pioneering role in the protection of personal data. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU enshrines the right to data protection as an autonomous fundamental right. Despite the underlying importance and centrality of the right to data protection in the EU, many deficiencies are present in the data protection system. This study on data protection identifies deficiencies in the EU Member States.
EU-MIDIS "Data in Focus" report 3 focuses on respondents' knowledge about their rights in the field of non-discrimination, including knowledge about Equality Bodies in Member States. This Data In Focus report on 'Rights Awareness and equality bodies' relates to Article 21, on 'non-discrimination', as enrshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Human rights are first and foremost to be addressed at the national level. National human rights institutions (NHRIs) play an important role in the human rights architecture at the national level. This report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), is intended to identify gaps and concerns in the fundamental rights architecture in the European Union.