
FRA actively participated in a high-level conference of the European Migration Network. Organised by the Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council it looked at how to make returns more effective.
FRA was a trainer during a training course on labour exploitation trafficking. The training addressed police officers and labour inspectors from different EU Member States.
The European Migration Forum in Brussels from 28 to 29 November focused on the role of civil society in implementing the EU’s Migration and Asylum Pact. FRA spoke during a panel on the fundamental rights of migrants, together with the EU Asylum Agency.
FRA presented the indicators on political participation of people with disabilities at the Disability Week at the European Parliament on 4 December. It focused on the most recent data on political participation of people with intellectual disabilities.
On 3 December, the Secretariat of Governing Bodies to the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) will host a virtual event to discuss how to fully implement Sustainable Development Goal 16 for people with disabilities.
On 3 December, a group of students from Vienna’s Webster University will visit FRA.
On 2 December in Rome, FRA will present the key findings and challenges identified in its Fundamental Rights Report 2024. The aim of the event is to raise awareness of fundamental rights issues in Italy.
On 22 November, FRA participated in the Plenary event of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe in Brussels.
On 21 November, FRA’s Director took part in a high-level conference in Strasbourg marking the 25th Anniversary of the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Commissioner.
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FRA held an information session for National Liaison Officers on FRANET – FRA’s multidisciplinary research network.
FRA’s handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration is now also available in Finnish, Latvian and Romanian.
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Opinions from FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2024 are now available in all EU languages as well as in Albanian, Macedonian and Serbian.
On 26 September, FRA took part in the Roundtable and Steering Committee meeting of the joint child-friendly justice project. This is an initiative that started through partnership meetings between the Council of Europe, the European Commission and FRA to move towards more child-friendly justice systems.
FRA took part in a joint meeting of three EU Asylum Agency (EUAA) networks working on asylum, reception and vulnerabilities in Malta on 19 November. The meeting focused on challenges and priorities in the implementation of the screening and border procedures.
On 20 and 21 November in Poznan, FRA spoke at the Human Rights Cities Conference on cities inclusiveness. The event brought together more than 90 representatives of local authorities, civil society, academia, business, networks, international and European experts.
Each year, millions of people across the EU fall victims of crime but effective support and protection of their rights are often lacking. A new paper from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) examines the shortcomings of existing rights protection and offers possible ways forward.
FRA is a member of Europol’s EU innovation hub for internal security. It will join the annual event to speak at a panel discussion on the fundamental rights implications of explainable AI.
This year, FRA has renewed its long-term partnership with the Vienna-based, international human rights film festival ‘this human world’ (THW). The festival will open on Wednesday 27 November and end on Human Rights Day, 10 December 2024.
A third of women in the EU have experienced violence at home, at work or in public. Young women report having experienced higher levels of sexual harassment at work and other forms of violence than older women. Yet violence against women often remains invisible as only every fourth woman reports incidents to the authorities (the police, or social, health or support services). These are some of the findings of the EU survey on gender-based violence conducted from 2020 to 2024 by Eurostat (the statistical office of the EU), the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).
The Fundamental Rights Guidance Board of the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) was established two years ago on 14 November 2022. FRA is a member of the Guidance Board.