Slovakia / Najvyšší súd Slovenskej republiky / 10Sža/4/2016

Applicant Y v the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic
Policy area
Justice, freedom and security
Deciding body type
National Court/Tribunal
Deciding body
Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic
Decision date

Харта на основните права на Европейския съюз

  • Slovakia / Najvyšší súd Slovenskej republiky / 10Sža/4/2016

    Key facts of the case: 

    The applicant, a woman of a Vietnamese origin was appealing against the decision of the Ministry of Interior not to include her in the program of support and protection of victims of human trafficking. The applicant argued that by not having access to the decision (which was only sent to the International Organization for Migration, which is not her legal representative), her rights have been breached. While the Regional Court decided on the merits of the case and decided that the decision on the inclusion to the programme for protection is an individual administrative act, changing the status of the person and thus has to be predictable and available for judicial review. The regional Court decided favourably for the applicant, but regarding the fact that this was the first case in the Slovak Republic  in the issue of legal conditions in the process of inclusion in the programme for victims of human trafficking, the applicant decided to appeal to the Supreme Court in order to clarify different legal consequences of deciding that the decision on non-inclusion in the program is indeed an individual administrative act, a decision of an administrative body which is therefore subject to judicial review and has legal and practical consequences for other victims of human trafficking.

    The polemics the applicant further wanted to clarify was her status as a party in the administrative procedure and the status of IOM in relation to the rights of the applicant as a party to the administrative procedure. Further the applicant claimed she has a right to appeal against the decision, even if the Directive of the ministry of Interior concerning the programme does not mention it as a possibility.

    Outcome of the case: 

    The Supreme Court decided on the merits of the appeal under the Regional court as well as in the case that preceded it and decided that the appealed judgment has to be annulled on the grounds that the applicant was deprived of her right to act before the court by the decision of the court of first instance.

  • Paragraphs referring to EU Charter

    "The right to good administration is recognized also inthe Art. 41 paragraph. 1 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union ("the Charter"), according to which everyone is entitled to Union institutions and bodies dealing with their affairs impartially, fairly and within a reasonable time.”

    "Recently, the effect of good manners in cultured exercise of public administration through the power ofauthoritiesgains importance, and that in the form of an order not only to lawful administration, but also to administration of good governance. Especially at the international level,the elements of good governance have been gradually introduced into the different national legal systems of the Member States. For example, the United Nations Convention against Corruption (Notification of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic No. 434/2006 Coll.) has expressed clear requirements for proper management of public affairs and public property, including the establishment of ethical standards of conduct of public officials as an effective tool to tackle corruption (Preamble and Art. 8 of the UN Convention). According to the Supreme Court one may also include in this the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of EuropeNo. 7 (2007) on good governance, as well as Article 41 in conjunction with Article 51/1 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. "

  • Paragraphs referring to EU Charter (original language)

    “Právo na dobrú správu je uznané aj v čl. 41 ods. 1 Charty základných ľudských práv Európskej únie (ďalej len „Charta“), podľa ktorého má každá osoba právo, aby inštitúcie a orgány Únie riešili jej záležitosti nestranne, spravodlivo a v primeranom čase”.

    “V poslednom čase nadobúda na význame pôsobenie dobrých mravov aj prikultivovanom výkone verejnej správy prostredníctvom vrchnostenských orgánov, a to formou príkazu nie iba na výkon zákonným spôsobom ale na výkon dobrej verejnej správy. Predovšetkým na medzinárodnej úrovni došlo postupne k vnášaniu prvkov dobrej verejnej správy do jednotlivých vnútroštátnych právnych poriadkov členských štátov. Napríklad prostredníctvom Dohovoru Organizácie spojených národov proti korupcii (oznámenie Ministerstva zahraničných vecí Slovenskej republiky č. 434/2006 Z. z.) bola vyslovená jasná požiadavka na riadne spravovanie verejných vecí a verejného majetku vrátane vytvorenia etických pravidiel správania verejných činiteľov, ako účinného nástroja potierania korupcie (preambula a čl. 8 Dohovoru OSN). Takisto do tejto oblasti je podľa Najvyššieho súdu možné zahrnúť Odporúčanie Výboru ministrov Rady Európy č. (2007) 7 o dobrej verejnej správe, ako aj článok 41 v spojení s článkom 51 ods. 1 Charty základných práv Európskej únie.”