25 May 2020

Video blog Michael O'Flaherty: New COVID-19 bulletin

In this vlog Michael O'Flaherty outlines fundamental rights considerations when developing technological responses to public health, as he introduces the focus of FRA's next COVID-19 bulletin.

On 28 May, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights publishes the second of its bulletins on the fundamental rights impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Drawing on data from across the 27 EU Member States, we chart the fundamental rights implications of public health responses and other issues that arise in the context of the pandemic.

The focus of this bulletin is technology and its impact on fundamental rights. These include our privacy rights, our free speech rights, our freedom of association and assembly rights.

As authorities look to apps and related technology solutions he reminds governments of the basics:

1. the legal basis of any rights limitations

2. the need for consent

3. only using the data for the purpose it was collected

In his vlog he also draws attention to the impact of public health measures on particularly vulnerable groups such as Roma, the homeless, older people or those in prison.