
Schutz von Kindern


  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Children’s rights exist to ensure the safety and wellbeing of every child. Improved child protection systems ensure that these rights are met. In recent years, the EU has taken significant steps to improve child protection systems. This mapping of child protection systems gives an overview of the state of such systems at national level and developments since 2015. It promotes the improvement of integrated child protection systems. It is an update of FRA’s mapping of child protection systems in 2015, based on data collected in 2023 in the 27 EU Member States. By publishing this, FRA aims to support securing the sustainable well-being, safety and rights of all children living in the EU.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Council of Europe (CoE) and European Union (EU) Member States have an undeniable sovereign right to control the entry of non-nationals into their territory. While carrying out border control, states have a duty to protect fundamental rights of all people under their jurisdiction, regardless of their nationality, status, or age. Children as a category
    of vulnerable persons with special needs require heightened protection.
  • Periodic updates / Series
    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine posed new challenges for the EU. Millions were forced to flee the war. As a result of the scale of people’s displacement, the EU activated for the first time the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD). More than 1.3 million children sought international protection in the EU. This bulletin explores the respect, protection and fulfilment of the fundamental rights of displaced children and ways to safeguard their rights. The third in a series, this bulletin builds on the evidence in FRA’s Bulletin #1 and #2 on the experiences of displaced people seeking safety in the EU.
  • Handbook / Guide / Manual
    This manual is designed to help institutions, organisations and individuals to train guardians of unaccompanied children or to deliver ‘train-the-trainers’ courses. It can be used in a range of training contexts, such as professional and academic training, on-the-job training and continuing training. The manual is based on human and fundamental rights principles and ethical standards and recognises that the child and the guardian have their own personal stories, resources and capacities. It enhances guardians’ confidence to promote the child’s rights and best interests. It also enhances their confidence to act independently and impartially in relation to different state
    officials, service providers and other community members.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) urges Member States to agree on a simple and practical workflow as soon as possible, to avoid lack of clarity and delays in the relocation process. This paper provides practical suggestions on relocation of unaccompanied children from Greece, building on lessons learned from previous mandatory and voluntary relocation schemes. The paper provides FRA input on the initiative of the European Commission and a group of Member States to relocate unaccompanied children.
Over 2.5 million people applied for international protection in the 28 EU Member States in 2015 and 2016. Many of those who were granted some form of protection are young people, who are likely to stay and settle in the EU. The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights interviewed some of them, as well as professionals working with them in 15 locations across six EU Member States: Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Sweden. This report presents the result of FRA’s fieldwork research, focusing on young people between the
ages of 16 and 24.
Die Rechte des Kindes stehen an oberster Stelle. Maßnahmen für den Schutz und die
Teilhabe von Kindern gelten für ALLE Kinder in der EU.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has been regularly collecting data on asylum and
migration since September 2015. This report focuses on the fundamental rights situation
of people arriving in Member States and EU candidate countries particularly affected by
migration. It addresses fundamental rights concerns between 1 July and 30 September 2019.
Individuals who are not entitled to stay in the European Union are typically subject to being returned to their home countries. This includes children who are not accompanied by their parents or by another primary caregiver. But returning such children, or finding another durable solution, is a delicate matter, and doing so in full compliance with fundamental rights protections can be difficult. This focus paper therefore aims to help national authorities involved in return-related tasks, including child-protection services, to ensure full rights compliance.
Fundamental Rights Report 2019: Not all children benefit equally from efforts to guarantee child rights.
Some groups face particular difficulties.
Der Leitfaden Kinder ohne elterliche Fürsorge, die in einem anderen EU-Mitgliedstaat als ihrem
eigenen angetroffen werden hat das Ziel, die Handlungsfähigkeit aller im Bereich Kinderschutz
tätigen Akteure zu stärken. Der Schutz dieser Mädchen und Jungen ist von höchster Bedeutung und
stellt für die EU-Mitgliedstaaten eine Verpflichtung dar, die sich aus dem internationalen und dem
europäischen Rechtsrahmen ableitet. Der vorliegende Leitfaden legt den Schwerpunkt auf Kinder,
die Opfer von Menschenhandel geworden sind oder Gefahr laufen, dies zu werden, indem auf die
Umsetzung der Ziele eingegangen wird, die in der Mitteilung der Kommission zur Berichterstattung
über die Folgemaßnahmen zur Strategie der EU zur Beseitigung des Menschenhandels von
2017 beschrieben wurden. Dabei werden ermittelte Muster beleuchtet, auch im Hinblick auf die
geschlechtsspezifischen Besonderheiten von Straftaten.
In November 2016, FRA formulated 21 individual opinions to address the fundamental rights shortcomings identified in the implementation of the hotspot approach in Greece and Italy. Despite genuine efforts to improve the situation since November 2016, many of the suggestions contained in the 21 opinions FRA formulated at the time remain valid.
The methods used to determine the age of
an applicant may include “invasive” medical tests which interfere with the rights of the child, including their right to dignity,
integrity and privacy. It is often a challenge to find the right balance between protecting children from harm and promoting
their participation in these procedures. This report provides important insights and identifies the implications of collecting
children’s biometric data and conducting age assessments.
Vormünder sind zentral in einem System zum Schutz von Kindern, die vorübergehend oder dauerhaft aus ihrem familiären Umfeld herausgelöst wurden und deren Interessen nicht von ihren Eltern vertreten werden können. Zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union (EU) und auch innerhalb der Mitgliedstaaten gibt es große Unterschiede in den Arten von Vormundschaft. Dieser Bericht untersucht die wesentlichen Merkmale von Vormundschaftssystemen, die den Bedürfnissen schutzbedürftiger Kinder gerecht werden sollen. Dies schließt Kinder ein, die Opfer von Menschenhandel und anderen Formen der Ausbeutung sind, und Kinder, die Gefahr laufen, Opfer von Menschenhandel oder anderen Formen der Ausbeutung zu werden.
International treaties, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, European Union (EU) secondary law and national legislation provide a number of rights to citizens. The maps and tables presented show the various patterns concerning age requirements for children to acquire rights in the EU. They also identify inconsistencies, protection gaps and restrictions deriving from different age thresholds. The reference period was until April 2016. Any legislative developments since then have been included whenever relevant or if known.
Up to one third of migrants arriving in the European Union since the summer of 2015 have been children. The current emphasis on speedier asylum processing and making returns more effective may trigger increased use of immigration detention, possibly also affecting children. The detention of children implicates various fundamental rights and will only be in line with EU law if limited to exceptional cases. This report aims to support practitioners in implementing relevant polices in line with applicable law by outlining available safeguards against unlawful and arbitrary detention and highlighting promising practices.
This report assesses asylum seekers’ and refugees’ opportunities to access early
childhood education and primary, secondary and tertiary education and training.
It identifies measures available for their support, as well as possible areas for
The European Parliament asked the Agency to provide its Opinion on the fundamental rights impact of the proposed revision of the Eurodac Regulation on children.
This focus section outlines the specific protection needs of separated children, and highlights current responses and promising practices among EU Member States.
This opinion analyses the effects on children of the proposed recast Dublin Regulation. It covers child-specific rules as well as provisions relating to all asylum applicants that significantly affect children.
Without being exhaustive, this opinion discusses selected topics which touch certain Charter rights, identifying the challenges and describing measures that could be taken to mitigate the risk of actions, which are not compliant with the Charter. It does not focus exclusively on risks arising in direct relation to the involvement of EU actors on the ground, but also takes into account that the hotspot approach entails a certain share of responsibility of the EU for the situation in the hotspots overall.
Kinder sind eigenständige Rechteinhaber. Sie genießen sämtliche Menschen- und Grundrechte. Aufgrund ihrer spezifischen Eigenschaften gelten für sie jedoch auch spezielle Bestimmungen. Ziel dieses Handbuchs ist es, anschaulich darzustellen, inwiefern das Europarecht und die europäische Rechtsprechung die spezifischen Interessen und Erfordernisse von Kindernberücksichtigen.
This report explores the key features of guardianship systems put in place to cater for the needs of all children in need of protection, including child victims and those at risk of becoming victims of trafficking in human beings or of other forms of exploitation. The research covers four specific areas, namely the type of guardianship systems in place, the profile of appointed guardians, the appointment procedures, and the tasks of the guardians.
Ziel dieses Handbuchs ist es, die nationalen Behörden und andere Beteiligte in der
gesamten EU bei der Weiterentwicklung der bestehenden Vormundschaftsregelungen
zu unterstützen, um so den Schutz der Kinder zu stärken. Die Rolle des Vormundes
als wesentlichem Bestandteil eines integrierten Systems zum Schutz der Kinder wird
präzisiert, und die Bedeutung der Rolle der Vormünder und gesetzlichen Vertreter bei
der Verhütung von Missbrauch und Ausbeutung, bei der Reaktion darauf und beim
Schutz und der Unterstützung von Kindern, die Opfer von Menschenhandel sind, wird