Case Law Database

Here you can find case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) with direct references to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, as well as a selection of national case law with direct references to the Charter from all EU Member States.

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1681 case law references found

  • Subtitle:
    Mowi ASA v European Commission
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Advocate General
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    GC, AF, BH, ED v Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL)
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Grand Chamber
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    Miasto Łowicz and Prokurator Generalny zastępowany przez Prokuraturę Krajową, formerly Prokuratura Okręgowa w Płocku v Skarb Państwa – Wojewoda Łódzki and Others
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Advocate General
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    Criminal proceedings against QR
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Court (Second Chamber)
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
    Justice, freedom and security
  • Subtitle:
    Limited company titled “…” v. Greek National Council for Radio and Television
    Deciding body type:
    National Court/Tribunal
    Deciding body:
    Council of State
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    Rayonna prokuratura Lom, KM, HO v EP
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Court (Third Chamber)
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
    Justice, freedom and security
  • Subtitle:
    REQUEST for a preliminary ruling under Article 267 TFEU from the Juzgado de lo Social No 33 de Madrid (Social Court No 33, Madrid, Spain)
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Court (Sixth Chamber)
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    Eric Simpson v Council of the European Union and HG v European Commission
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Advocate General
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    Google Ireland Limited v Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal Kiemelt Adó- és Vámigazgatósága.
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Advocate General
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    Afghan citizen v. Austria
    Deciding body type:
    National Court/Tribunal
    Deciding body:
    Constitutional Court
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area: