Question N°0791 de Monsieur Laurent Mosar et de Monsieur Gilles Roth concernant Arrêts de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne au sujet de la conservation de données

Question No. 0791 to the Minister of Justice by Mr Laurent Mosar and Mr Gilles Roth concerning the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union in respect of data retention
Laurent Mosar and Gilles Roth
Publication Year
The questions concerned the CJEU having declared the Data Retention Directive incompatible with the Charter. The directive in question had been transposed into national law, thus the question touched upon the data retention laws in Luxembourg and their compliance with the provisions of the Charter. The questions inquired whether the Minister had taken any steps at the national level to ensure respect for fundamental rights in data retention and if he can guarantee that the national legal framework was compatible with the judgments of the Court of Justice.
The Minister of Justice replied to the questions by explaining that even though the CJEU’s judgments invalidated the Data Retention Directive, the relevant national legislation still has its own legal existence and continues to exist in the internal legal order of the state. Regarding the proposed reform, he explained that the Government rather pleads for a common European approach and stresses the need for new European legislation in order to build the common European legal framework in all the 28 Member States.
Quote: « Le 8 avril 2014 et le 21 décembre 2016, la Cour de Justice de l'Union européenne a rendu plusieurs arrêts déclarant incompatibles avec les droits inscrits dans la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne la directive 2006/24/CE du 5 mars 2006 sur la conservation de données générées ou traitées dans le cadre de la fourniture de services de communications électroniques accessibles au public ou de réseaux publics de communications. La Cour a donné dans ses arrêts des indications concrètes au sujet des conditions matérielles et procédurales à mettre en place pour assurer le respect des droits fondamentaux des citoyens. […] Dans ce contexte, nous voulons poser les questions suivantes à Monsieur le Ministre de la Justice : […] 3. Monsieur le Ministre peut-il assurer que les données conservées au niveau national sont collectées en respectant les principes énoncés dans les arrêts de la Cour de Justice et en conformité avec les principes inscrits dans la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne ? »
Translated quote: “On 8 April 2014 and 21 December 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered several judgments declaring the Directive 2006/24/EC of 5 March 2006 on the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or public communications networks incompatible with the rights enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. In its judgments, the Court gave concrete indications of the material and procedural conditions to be put in place to ensure respect for the fundamental rights of citizens. […] In this context, we want to ask the following questions to the Minister of Justice: […] 3. Can the Minister ensure that data held at national level are collected in accordance with the principles set out in the judgments of the Court of Justice and in accordance with the principles enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union?”