On 29 September, FRA will welcome a delegation of students from the Volda University in Norway.
On 20 September, FRA gave a presentation on fundamental rights for Europol’s guest officers who will be deployed in Greece and Cyprus.
On 16 September, FRA’s Management Board elected Jim Clarken as a new Chairperson. He will take office on 20 September 2022.
On 5-6 September, FRA contributed to the OSCE-ODIHR international conference in Warsaw on building resilient NHRIs.
Between 22-24 September 2022, FRA will take part in the Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology in Malaga, Spain.
Launch Date
Project Status
FRA, together with the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), will carry out a survey in eight EU Member States to interview women concerning their experiences of violence. The survey will collect data on experiences of physical, sexual and psychological violence, sexual harassment and stalking, as well as violence experienced during childhood. The survey also captures elements of online abuse.