News Item
On 11 April, FRA Director Sirpa Rautio welcomed the OSCE Representative on Freedom of Media Teresa Ribeiro to FRA. During their discussion, they exchanged views on the challenges that human rights defenders and journalists face today.
On 19 April, a workshop on fundamental rights data collection will take place at FRA. The objective is to provide expertise to Albanian authorities in developing fundamental rights data collection methodologies.
The European Consumer Summit will take place in Brussels on 18 April. It will bring together stakeholders from all EU Member States.
The European Judicial Training Network will hold a seminar at FRA from 18 to 19 April on applying the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
On 16 April, FRA will welcome the Western Balkans Fellowship Programme at the Austrian Parliament in cooperation with the European Funds for the Balkans.
On 5 June, FRA will hold a webinar on ensuring compliance with fundamental rights when using EU funds.
On 30 April, FRA will hold a webinar on Mapping Child Protection Systems in the EU – Update 2023. The webinar will take place from 14:00-15:30 pm CEST.