Call for Tender
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA or the Agency) is looking to contract the research and in-depth analysis on the key legal and jurisprudential principles of European law relating to access to justice.
On 23 November, FRA will hold a webinar on findings from its report on fundamental rights of older people. The discussion will centre on the digital skills of older people in Europe.
On 15 November, FRA together with the European Commission will hold an online information session for its Fundamental Rights Platform on the EU's Annual Rule of Law Cycle and related consultation.
On 9 November, FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty met with over 20 civil society organisations active in Brussels for a roundtable discussion. The meeting aimed to hear their concerns about the current fundamental rights situation.
On 17 November, FRA will conduct a pilot foresight exercise to identify emerging issues, trends, opportunities, and risks associated with safeguarding fundamental rights related to climate change and environmental protection.
FRA will speak at the opening panel of the European Commission’s conference on ‘A thriving civic space for upholding fundamental rights in the EU: a framework for future action’.