FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty will participate in the informal meeting of Justice ministers on 21 July 2023 in Logroño, Spain. He will intervene in the discussion on improving access to justice, with a special focus on people with disabilities.
FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty presented two new FRA reports to the European Parliament and the Council.
Following recent deaths of trans women and attacks on other members of the LGBTIQ community in Europe, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) calls on EU Member States to tackle violence and effectively protect all trans and LGBTIQ people.
FRA organised an information session on its data explorers. The session provided an overview of available datasets, and explained how to search, visualise or export the data. More than 40 representatives of national authorities across the EU joined the presentation.
FRA, together with representatives from the European Commission, several Member States, civil society and the UNHCR took part in a working group meeting organised by the EU Asylum Agency in Malta on 27-30 June.
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FRA took part in an online workshop on ‘2023 annual reports: Main insights, lessons learnt and sharing good practices’. The workshop was organised by the EU Asylum Agency.
On 4 July 2023, FRA provided fundamental rights training to Europol’s guest officers who will be deployed in Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Greece.
On 14 July, FRA will welcome members of the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) from Munich. ELSA is an international association of law students and young lawyers.
FRA will welcome a group of students from Vienna’s Diplomatic Academy on 13 July. The students are part of the Jean Monnet Summer School on EU policy making.