
Food deprivation, removals with no prior notice and the arrest of humanitarian workers carrying out search and rescue operations at sea are some of the fundamental rights concerns FRA identifies in its latest migration quarterly. It reports on some of the fallout in EU Member States as they continue to harden their migration policies and laws. It also highlights longstanding problems resulting from overcrowding and asylum processing.
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The Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU invited FRA to present its tools on the promotion of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights to the Council’s Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP) in Brussels on 10 July 2019.
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FRA attended a conference on 9 July 2019 on the theme of ‘Racism, Xenophobia and Ethnic and Racial Discrimination in Portugal’, organised by the Portuguese Parliament’s Subcommittee for Equality and Non-Discrimination of the Committee of Legal Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees (1st Committee).
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FRA contributed to the side event ‘Human Rights and the 2030 Agenda: Leaving No One Behind while Accelerating SDG Implementation’ organized at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2019 on Sustainable Development on the theme of ‘Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality’ from 11-16 July 2019.
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FRA participated in the semi-annual meeting of the EBU Intercultural and Diversity Group on 11 June 2019 in Barcelona.
The Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU has invited the Director to participate in discussions between ministers of justice at the informal Justice and Home Affairs meeting in Helsinki on 19 July.
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On 4 July, FRA participated in the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission‘s seminar De-institutionalisation and the implementation of the CRPD Article 19: Independent Living and being included in the community, at which it presented its report From institutions to community living for persons with disabilities: perspectives from the ground.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty focuses on the migration situation in the Mediterranean Sea and makes three proposals.
The agency, as part of the European Union delegation, will take part in the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2019 on Sustainable Development.
Every year in July, the Institute for European Studies, the Diplomatische Akademie Wien – Vienna School of International Studies and the University of Vienna organise their joint inter-university summer school on EU policy making.
The United Nations Development Programme will hold an expert consultation on privacy, safety and security in collection, storage and use of data of LGBTI people and other marginalised populations in cyberspace.
Michael O’Flaherty
Speech delivered by Michael O'Flaherty at Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly side event on communicating rights on 10 April in Strasbourg.
Europol will host a meeting of EU Justice & Home Affairs Agencies on 5 July in The Hague.
Many young Jewish Europeans face antisemitic harassment in Europe, but are also very resilient as they clearly express their Jewish identity, finds a report published today by the European Commission and FRA. Rising hate speech and intolerance towards them shows the urgent need for continued concerted efforts to adequately address society’s longstanding and persistent hostility towards Jews.
FRA participated in the EEA and Norway Grants Financial Mechanism Office’s second International Partner Organisation coordination meeting in Brussels on 27 June.
On 4 July, Europol is hosting a conference in The Hague on inclusive practices in law Enforcement: protecting our diversity.
FRA will host a group of young lawyers from Germany on 3 July.
The dataset from FRA’s second antisemitism survey is now available for further use by researchers. The dataset contains a wealth of information from over 16,000 Jews in 12 EU Member States about their perceptions and experiences of antisemitism.
On 1 July, at the Global Campus of Human Rights in Venice, FRA will participate in a roundtable discussion on the experiences, challenges and successes of EU fundamental rights training and online learning in particular.
FRA will deliver a keynote speech during a University College Dublin Workshop on Implementing Machine Ethics.