
Podpora systémov a obhajcov ľudských práv

<p>Many organisations work to defend your rights. We help their efforts with independent evidence, advice and expertise.</p>
<p>We support their frontline work. And we shine a light on potential risks and priority areas. Together we make your rights a reality.</p>


  • Report / Paper / Summary
    All EU funds must be spent in a way that respect fundamental rights. The EU spends billions of euros on creating jobs, economic growth, sustainable development and improving people’s lives. To prevent funds from being spent in ways that directly violate people’s fundamental rights, the EU strengthened the conditions how funds can be spent in 2021. This report looks at how the newly introduced conditions related to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities can be upheld in practice. It analyses the potential role of national human rights institutions, ombudsperson institutions and equality bodies. These safeguards can advance compliance with fundamental rights.
  • Periodic updates / Series
    The 2024 update on NHRIs accreditation status and mandates also covers their engagement in the monitoring of fundamental rights compliance in the use of EU funds at national level. Moreover, the update also shows how NHRIs make use of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in their work when advising government or in education, training and awareness raising activities. Since its 2020 report 'Strong and effective national human rights institutions – challenges, promising practices and opportunities', the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has been regularly tracking the accreditation status and mandates of NHRIs.
  • Periodic updates / Series
    Civil society organisations struggle to maintain an environment safe from threats and attacks. FRA’s sixth annual update on civic space explores the challenges for organisations across the EU. While there has been significant development since FRA began monitoring the situation in 2018, civil society organisations remain under immense pressure. Abusive lawsuits and attacks against those involved in migrant search and rescue at sea are just some of the challenges identified. This report presents ways forward to protect civil society and human rights.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    This report proposes a framework for becoming, and functioning as, a ‘human rights city’ in the EU. It includes ‘foundations’, ‘structures’ and ‘tools’ for mayors, local administrations and grassroots organisations to reinforce fundamental rights locally. It is based on existing good practice and expert input by representatives of human rights cities in the EU, academic experts, international organisations and city networks.
    Informačné materiály
    FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2024 analyses the year’s developments in fundamental rights. It focuses on the most pressing fundamental rights concerns facing Europe in 2023: the cost-of-living crisis, rights concerns at the EU’s external borders and migration, and threats to democracy. Re-structured, this year’s new approach is a shorter and sharper analysis. It also presents FRA’s opinions on these developments, including a summary of the evidence supporting these opinions.
    Rok 2023 priniesol z hľadiska ochrany základných práv pokrok i určité nezdary. V publikácii FRA s názvom Správa o základných právach 2024 je uvedený prehľad hlavného vývoja v tejto oblasti, poukazuje sa na úspechy, ale aj na oblasti, ktoré ešte stále vyvolávajú obavy. V tejto publikácii sa nachádzajú stanoviská FRA k základným výsledkom vývoja v jednotlivých tematických oblastiach, ako aj súhrn dôkazov k týmto stanoviskám. Poskytuje zároveň aj ucelený a informatívny prehľad o hlavných výzvach v oblasti základných práv, ktorým EÚ a jej členské štáty čelia.
    The 2024 update on NHRIs accreditation status and mandates also covers their engagement in the monitoring of fundamental rights compliance in the use of EU funds at national level. Moreover, the update also shows how NHRIs make use of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in their work when advising government or in education, training and awareness raising activities. Since its 2020 report 'Strong and effective national human rights institutions – challenges, promising practices and opportunities', the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has been regularly tracking the accreditation status and mandates of NHRIs.
    All EU funds must be spent in a way that respect fundamental rights. The EU spends billions of euros on creating jobs, economic growth, sustainable development and improving people’s lives. To prevent funds from being spent in ways that directly violate people’s fundamental rights, the EU strengthened the conditions how funds can be spent in 2021. This report looks at how the newly introduced conditions related to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities can be upheld in practice. It analyses the potential role of national human rights institutions, ombudsperson institutions and equality bodies. These safeguards can advance compliance with fundamental rights.
    FRA’s strategic priorities and objectives are based on the agency’s role and mission as defined in its amended founding regulation. They build on FRA’s 2018–2022 strategy as well as how it performed, its experience and its vision. Their design takes into account future fundamental rights challenges facing Europe, the agency’s mandate, the broader operational context and the resources available.
    Civil society organisations struggle to maintain an environment safe from threats and attacks. FRA’s sixth annual update on civic space explores the challenges for organisations across the EU. While there has been significant development since FRA began monitoring the situation in 2018, civil society organisations remain under immense pressure. Abusive lawsuits and attacks against those involved in migrant search and rescue at sea are just some of the challenges identified. This report presents ways forward to protect civil society and human rights.
    Across the world, human rights defenders protect and uphold human rights in some of the most challenging situations. In some countries they face worrying levels of threats and attacks, intimidation and harassment. This report outlines how human rights defenders can enter and stay in the EU when they need protection. It suggests how EU institutions and Member States could use the flexibility in existing legal provisions and provide shelter for defenders who seek protection.
    FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2023 reviews major developments in the field in 2022, identifying both achievements and areas of concern. It also presents FRA’s opinions on these developments, including a synopsis of the evidence supporting these opinions.
    Z hľadiska ochrany základných práv priniesol rok 2022 pokrok i určité nezdary. V publikácii agentúry FRA Správa o základných právach 2023 je uvedený prehľad hlavného vývoja v tejto oblasti, poukazuje sa na úspechy, ale aj na oblasti, ktoré ešte stále vyvolávajú obavy. V tejto publikácii sa nachádzajú stanoviská agentúry FRA k základným výsledkom vývoja v jednotlivých tematických oblastiach, ako aj súhrn dôkazov k týmto stanoviskám.
    Many cities throughout the European Union hosted people fleeing Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The EU currently faces the largest displacement of people in Europe since World War II. Since February 2022, over seven million people came to the EU. The arrival of such large numbers of people thrust cities and local governments to the forefront of the EU and its Member States’ relief work. This short publication provides a snapshot of cities’ initiatives to address this humanitarian crisis.
    babaroga/Adobe Stock
    National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) continue to play a key role in upholding fundamental rights. FRA keeps track of the accreditation status and the mandates of the NHRIs. In 2022, the NHRI in Cyprus was upgraded to an ‘A-status’ institution. In addition, the mandates of six NHRIs changed to include child protection or the protection of LGBTI people.
    In this vlog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty talks about the need to push back against the shocking levels of human rights abuse and violation across the world. On the occasion of Human Rights Day, he refers to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the need to standing up for human rights.
    In this video, human rights leaders, experts and activists share their views on the human rights impact of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine.
    Europe stands at a delicate moment in its history. It is a moment of existential significance for the wellbeing and sustainability of our societies. It is emerging from the pandemic caused by the coronavirus disease, only to face a set of major overlapping challenges. These pose profound questions about the political, economic and societal future of the continent. To discuss elements of a human rights vision for the future and to identify opportunities for action, FRA brought together a group of sixty human rights leaders and experts with diverse backgrounds
    from across the continent. This report distils the meeting discussions, including analysis and ideas, and concludes with proposals for action. It does not represent the views either of individual participants or of FRA.
    In this video, several human rights leaders, experts and activists share their views on the impact of disinformation on human rights and the ways to address this phenomenon.
    In this video, several human rights leaders, experts and activists share their views on the impact the climate change has on human rights and the ways to address the climate crisis.
    Europe stands at a delicate moment in its history, facing a convergence of major tests. Each of them taken on their own is significant. Together, they pose profound questions about the political, economic, and societal future of the continent. This is a moment for strong commitment to put human rights at the heart of our vision for Europe’s future. It is also time to demonstrate our determination to work together to this end. Against this backdrop, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) brought together around sixty human rights leaders and experts from across the continent to discuss elements of a human rights vision for the future and to identify opportunities for action. A full conference report will be available soon, including the specific ideas and proposals which arose from the meeting. Meanwhile, this is a summary of the conclusions.
    CS, DE, ES, FR, HU, IT, NL, PL, RO versions now available
    16 November 2022
    Charta základných práv Európskej únie (ďalej len „Charta“) je listinou práv pre EÚ. Vždy je záväzná pre inštitúcie EÚ, ako aj pre členské štáty, keď konajú v rozsahu pôsobnosti právnych predpisov EÚ. Nie je však ani zďaleka jednoduché posúdiť, či konkrétny prípad patrí do pôsobnosti práva EÚ. Preto je potrebné poskytnúť odborníkom pracujúcim v oblasti práva odbornú prípravu a materiály na odbornú prípravu, aby porozumeli oblasti uplatňovania Charty tak, ako sa stanovuje v jej článku 51. Cieľom tejto príručky pre školiteľov je poskytnúť usmernenia o organizácii a realizácii takýchto školení na základe série prípadových štúdií, ktoré sa v budúcnosti rozšíria.
    Organizácie občianskej spoločnosti čelia v celej Európskej únii rôznym problémom. V správe agentúry FRA o Ochrane priestoru občianskej spoločnosti v EÚ sa prezentujú zistenia agentúry v súvislosti s týmito problémami. Správa bola vydaná v septembri 2021. V tomto zhrnutí sa predkladajú kľúčové zistenia a stanoviská agentúry FRA uvedené v správe.
    Civil society is a key component of Europe’s fundamental rights architecture. From supporting people affected by the pandemic to helping those fleeing the war in Ukraine, civil society plays a crucial role in upholding people’s rights. In so doing, it contributes to a healthy rule of law culture. FRA’s civic space report provides an overview of the many ways in which civil society contributes to the checks and balances that underpin the rule of law.