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955 News found

FRA took part in meetings of the EU Subgroup on Equality Data, facilitated by the Agency.
FRA met with German stakeholders in Berlin to discuss FRA findings on how to best move forward with the implementation of the EU Directive on procedural safeguards for children in criminal proceedings.
On 28 September, FRA took part in a panel discussion at the Health Forum Gastein on controlling a pandemic by controlling people?
The European Society of Criminology held its annual conference in Malaga from 21 to 24 September.
FRA participated in the third meeting of the contact points of the Justice and Home Affairs agencies network on 28 September.
On 20 September, FRA attended a conference on progress in implementing the EEA and Norway Grants 2014 - 2021 in Czechia.
On 19 September, FRA took part in an online meeting organised by PICUM.
On 21 September, FRA gave a presentation to the Extraordinary Plenary of the Roma State Council of Spain.
FRA took part in the European Forum on child rights that ran from 27 to 29 September.
The social rights platform of the Council of Europe, FRA and European networks of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) and Equality Bodies (Equinet) met on 19 and 20 September.