
Press Release
The FRA participates in the Fourth Equality Summit held in Brussels on 15 and 16 November 2010. This Summit is an annual, high-level event focusing on equality. This year the event will concentrate on combating discrimination and promoting equality in employment.
Press Release
To mark this year's anniversary of "the night of the broken glass", the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) publishes a handbook for teachers: Excursion to the past - teaching for the future. The handbook emphasises the link between teaching about the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes, and teaching about human rights and democracy. Teachers and guides of memorial sites or museums are key to ensuring that the connection is recognised between Holocaust and human rights education. However, there is a lack of human rights training available for both groups. The FRA thus encourages national governments to better integrate education on the Holocaust and human rights into their school curricula to reflect the significance of human rights in both the history and the future of the EU.
Press Release
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has today published a report on the right to political participation of persons with mental health problems and persons with intellectual disabilities in the European Union (EU). The right to vote is a fundamental right of all EU citizens. However, in some Member States persons with mental health problems and persons with intellectual disabilities are discriminated against, since they are not granted this right.
The FRA will today present its new report on racism, ethnic discrimination and the exclusion of migrants and minorities in sport in the European Union. Delegates at the 16th European Fair Play Congress in Prague will discuss the report's findings, including the need to make sport more inclusive and ways of addressing the underrepresentation of persons belonging to minorities in sport. The FRA report also highlights the lack of data available showing the occurrence of racist incidents in sport. It emphasises the need to develop effective ways of monitoring such incidents among players, referees and club officials, as well as between or by fans.
Press Release
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is publishing results from a survey of 3,000 Muslim and non-Muslim young people about their experiences of and attitudes towards discrimination, social marginalisation and violence. The results indicate that in the three Member States where the survey took place (France, Spain and the United Kingdom) most young people - regardless of their religious background - do not support violence. On the other hand, those young people who have been victims of discrimination or violence are at greater risk of engaging in violence themselves.
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is publishing today, at a Symposium of the European Police College (CEPOL), results from the first ever EU-wide survey on police stops and minorities. The findings show that minorities who perceive they are stopped because of their minority background have a lower level of trust in the police. The results from the FRA's survey are launched together with the FRA Guide on discriminatory ethnic profiling.
Press Release
Visit our new revamped Diversity Day Web siteThe European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (the FRA) brings you the Diversity Day 2010 Web site, a site dedicated to the youth event organised by the FRA to promote diversity among young people in Europe. site is available in English and German.
Press Release
Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA): asylum procedures should be harmonised and improved - EU Ministerial Conference on Asylum on 13-14 September, Brussels Substantial differences exist between the asylum procedures in the 27 EU Member States, creating an uneven playing field. For the first time, EU research provides evidence about asylum-seekers' own experiences across the EU. The findings of the research will inform discussions at the ministerial conference on asylum.
Press Release
Currently, there is much debate about the position of the Roma, both living in their country of origin or in another EU Member State. The Fundamental Rights Agency is mandated to provide evidence-based advice to decision-makers in the EU. The Agency's evidence aims at informing EU and national policy-makers and contextualising debates on fundamental rights in the European Union.
Press Release
Over 2 million people live with HIV in the European Union and its neighbouring countries. The number of diagnosed infections has been increasing. The rights of people living with HIV and those at risk of infection must be central to the response to the epidemic, stressed the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) today, ahead of the World AIDS Conference 2010.
Protection mechanisms on paper do not yet fully function in practiceThe 2010 Annual Report of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) identifies challenges in the areas of data protection, extreme exploitation in the workplace, rights of the child, racism and discrimination, and LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) issues.
Today in Warsaw, Frontex Executive Director Ilkka Laitinen signed a cooperation arrangement with the Director of the Fundamental Rights Agency, Morten Kjaerum."Frontex is dedicated to upholding the highest possible standards in border management for the EU - in all its aspects", said Ilkka Laitinen.  "This new cooperation arrangement with our colleagues at the FRA will provide us with access to valuable expertise in the pursuit of this aim", he added.
Press Release
Four new reports issued today by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) give evidence that data protection authorities, equality bodies and national human rights institutions across the European Union are in need of additional support.
One of the winning entries in the FRA video competition 2010.
One of the winning entries in the FRA video competition 2010.
One of the winning entries in the FRA video competition 2010.
One of the winning entries in the FRA video competition 2010.
"I do not know [a legal guardian]. Do I have one?" (Boy, aged 14) "Age assessment was a disappointment for me. [...] I do not have any proof, because there is no government in my country. How could I have any evidence? The worst thing is that  they think I am a liar." (Boy, aged 17) "The policeman said that his child is 15 and understands everything. Then he said: ‘you are 15 and do not understand anything at all. How is that possible?" (Girl, aged 15).
Press Release
International Roma Day 2010: Roma Involvement in Policy Design and Implementation Crucial Roma and Traveller involvement in the design, implementation and evaluation of strategies targeting them is essential to improving the situation of the estimated 10 million Roma in the European Union.
Press Release
 Roma reported the highest overall levels of discrimination across all areas surveyed in the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights' EU-MIDIS survey.