
The EU's Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) work together to help states improve their ability to record and collect hate crime data through national workshops.
Despite ambitious initiatives, the fundamental rights situation of Roma in the EU remains profoundly troubling. This report examines the persisting phenomenon of anti-Gypsyism and its effect on Roma inclusion efforts. It first presents data on key manifestations of anti-Gypsyism, namely discrimination, harassment and hate crime.
Das europäische Antidiskriminierungsrecht verbietet insbesondere nach Maßgabe der Antidiskriminierungsrichtlinien der EU, des Artikels 14 der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention sowie des Protokolls Nr. 12 zu dieser Konvention die Diskriminierung in einer ganzen Reihe von Bereichen und aus einer Vielzahl von Gründen. Dieses Handbuch untersucht den europäischen Rechtsrahmen zur Nichtdiskriminierung, der sich auf diese beiden Quellen als einander ergänzende Systeme gründet, auf die unterschiedslos Bezug genommen wird, soweit sie sich überschneiden; zugleich wird gegebenenfalls auf bestehende Unterschiede aufmerksam gemacht.
Vormünder sind zentral in einem System zum Schutz von Kindern, die vorübergehend oder dauerhaft aus ihrem familiären Umfeld herausgelöst wurden und deren Interessen nicht von ihren Eltern vertreten werden können. Zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union (EU) und auch innerhalb der Mitgliedstaaten gibt es große Unterschiede in den Arten von Vormundschaft. Dieser Bericht untersucht die wesentlichen Merkmale von Vormundschaftssystemen, die den Bedürfnissen schutzbedürftiger Kinder gerecht werden sollen. Dies schließt Kinder ein, die Opfer von Menschenhandel und anderen Formen der Ausbeutung sind, und Kinder, die Gefahr laufen, Opfer von Menschenhandel oder anderen Formen der Ausbeutung zu werden.
Inside this book you will read about the justice system and the problems in justice for children and how to fix the problems.
This meeting report distils the discussions held during a high-level expert meeting organised by FRA, which explored the shared space between religion and human rights.
Seventeen years after adoption of EU laws that forbid discrimination, immigrants, descendants of immigrants, and minority ethnic groups continue to face widespread discrimination across the EU and in all areas of life – most often when seeking employment. For many, discrimination is a recurring experience. This is just one of the findings of FRA’s second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II), which collected information from over 25,500 respondents with different ethnic minority and immigrant backgrounds across all 28 EU Member States.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) launches its second EU Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II).
This survey involved interviews with 25,515 people with different ethnic minority and immigrant backgrounds across 28 EU countries. It explores issues concerning discrimination as well as experiences of harassment, hate-motivated violence and discriminatory profiling.
This infographic illustrates the main experiences immigrants and ethnic minorities across the EU have when it comes to discrimination. It draws from the findings from FRA's EU-MIDIS II survey.
This infographic illustrates the main experiences immigrants and ethnic minorities across the EU have when it comes to victimisation. It draws from the findings from FRA's EU-MIDIS II survey.
This infographic illustrates the main experiences immigrants and ethnic minorities across the EU have when it comes to inclusion. It draws from the findings from FRA's EU-MIDIS II survey.
Women and girls in the European Union (EU) experience persistent gender discrimination and gender-based violence, as evidence collected by FRA confirms. This severely limits the ability of women and girls to enjoy their rights and to participate on an equal footing in society. This FRA contribution to the third Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights ‘Women's rights in turbulent times’ looks at core human rights commitments. It balances these against selected evidence on gender discrimination, sexist hate speech and gender-based violence against women and girls in the EU.
International treaties, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, European Union (EU) secondary law and national legislation provide a number of rights to citizens. The maps and tables presented show the various patterns concerning age requirements for children to acquire rights in the EU. They also identify inconsistencies, protection gaps and restrictions deriving from different age thresholds. The reference period was until April 2016. Any legislative developments since then have been included whenever relevant or if known.
This report provides an overview of data on antisemitism as recorded by
international organisations and by official and unofficial sources in the 28 European
Union (EU) Member States, based on their own definitions and categorisations.
Muslimas und Muslime, die in der EU leben, werden in den unterschiedlichsten Situationen diskriminiert – insbesondere bei der Arbeitsplatzsuche, am Arbeitsplatz selbst und bei dem Versuch, Zugang zu öffentlichen oder privaten Dienstleistungen zu erlangen. Der Bericht untersucht, wie persönliche Merkmale – etwa der Vor- und Familienname oder die Hautfarbe einer Person – und das sichtbare Tragen religiöser Symbole, wie zum Beispiel ein Kopftuch zu diskriminierender Behandlung und Belästigung führen können.
The Agency, in close cooperation with the Maltese Presidency of the EU Council, held a high-level symposium where the fundamental rights issues that are currently high on the EU’s political agenda were discussed.
Up to one third of migrants arriving in the European Union since the summer of 2015 have been children. The current emphasis on speedier asylum processing and making returns more effective may trigger increased use of immigration detention, possibly also affecting children. The detention of children implicates various fundamental rights and will only be in line with EU law if limited to exceptional cases. This report aims to support practitioners in implementing relevant polices in line with applicable law by outlining available safeguards against unlawful and arbitrary detention and highlighting promising practices.
This report assesses asylum seekers’ and refugees’ opportunities to access early
childhood education and primary, secondary and tertiary education and training.
It identifies measures available for their support, as well as possible areas for
This report reviews how asylum claims based on sexual
orientation and gender identity are assessed and analyses the existence of
specific reception measures for LGBTI persons.