
Geschlecht, sexuelle Ausrichtung und Geschlechtsidentität


The stories of the domestic workers FRA interviewed for this paper reveal appalling working conditions and fundamental rights abuses in private homes across the EU. These stories indicate that, seven years on from FRA’s first report on domestic workers in 2011, little has changed in terms of the risks and experiences of severe labour exploitation domestic workers in the EU face.
The year 2017 brought both progress and setbacks in terms of rights protection. The European Pillar of Social Rights marked an important move towards a more ‘social Europe’. But, as experiences with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights underscore, agreement on a text is merely a first step. Even in its eighth year as the EU's binding bill of rights, the Charter's potential was not fully exploited, highlighting the need to more actively promote its use.
Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen in der Europäischen Union spielen bei der Förderung
der Grundrechte eine entscheidende Rolle, doch gestaltet sich dies – aufgrund rechtlicher
und praktischer Einschränkungen – für sie immer schwieriger. In der vorliegenden Zusammenfassung werden die
wichtigsten Ergebnisse des Berichts und die Stellungnahmen
der FRA zu den Fragen, die damit aufgeworfen
werden, skizziert.
Das europäische Antidiskriminierungsrecht verbietet insbesondere nach Maßgabe der Antidiskriminierungsrichtlinien der EU, des Artikels 14 der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention sowie des Protokolls Nr. 12 zu dieser Konvention die Diskriminierung in einer ganzen Reihe von Bereichen und aus einer Vielzahl von Gründen. Dieses Handbuch untersucht den europäischen Rechtsrahmen zur Nichtdiskriminierung, der sich auf diese beiden Quellen als einander ergänzende Systeme gründet, auf die unterschiedslos Bezug genommen wird, soweit sie sich überschneiden; zugleich wird gegebenenfalls auf bestehende Unterschiede aufmerksam gemacht.
In this book you will read about laws against hurting women, what is wrong and what to do about it.
Seventeen years after adoption of EU laws that forbid discrimination, immigrants, descendants of immigrants, and minority ethnic groups continue to face widespread discrimination across the EU and in all areas of life – most often when seeking employment. For many, discrimination is a recurring experience. This is just one of the findings of FRA’s second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II), which collected information from over 25,500 respondents with different ethnic minority and immigrant backgrounds across all 28 EU Member States.
Women and girls in the European Union (EU) experience persistent gender discrimination and gender-based violence, as evidence collected by FRA confirms. This severely limits the ability of women and girls to enjoy their rights and to participate on an equal footing in society. This FRA contribution to the third Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights ‘Women's rights in turbulent times’ looks at core human rights commitments. It balances these against selected evidence on gender discrimination, sexist hate speech and gender-based violence against women and girls in the EU.
Auf europäischer und nationaler Ebene wurden 2016 vielfältige Anstrengungen unternommen, um den Schutz der Grundrechte zu stärken. Gleichzeitig drohten einige politische Maßnahmen, diesen Schutz zu untergraben.
Diverse efforts at both EU and national levels sought to bolster fundamental rights protection in 2016, while some measures threatened to undermine such protection.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. Such a milestone offers an opportunity for reflection – both on the progress that provides cause for celebration and on the lingering shortcomings that must be addressed.
This report reviews how asylum claims based on sexual
orientation and gender identity are assessed and analyses the existence of
specific reception measures for LGBTI persons.
A free and pluralist media is vital to the democratic functioning of the European
Union (EU) and its Member States. However, journalists and other media actors
in the EU face various challenges, including violence, threats and other forms of
pressure, both direct and indirect.
The European Union (EU) and its Member States introduced and pursued numerous initiatives to safeguard and strengthen
fundamental rights in 2015. Some of these efforts produced important progress; others fell short of their aims. Meanwhile,
various global developments brought new – and exacerbated existing – challenges.
Im Jahr 2015 haben die Europäische Union (EU) und ihre Mitgliedstaaten
zahlreiche Maßnahmen für die Wahrung und Stärkung der Grundrechte
ergriffen und durchgeführt. Der von der FRA vorgelegte Grundrechte-
Bericht 2016 bietet eine Zusammenfassung und Analyse der wichtigsten
einschlägigen Entwicklungen, wobei sowohl die erzielten Fortschritte als
auch die nach wie vor bestehenden Hindernisse beleuchtet werden. Darüber
hinaus äußert sich die FRA in dieser Veröffentlichung zu den wichtigsten
Entwicklungen in den genannten Themenbereichen und gibt einen
Überblick über die ihren Stellungnahmen zugrunde liegenden Evidenzdaten.
Insgesamt bietet diese Veröffentlichung einen knappen, aber informativen
Überblick über die größten Herausforderungen, mit denen die EU und ihre
Mitgliedstaaten im Bereich der Grundrechte konfrontiert sind.
These infographics combine the views from representatives of professional groups with findings from FRA's hate crime and discrimination survey of LGBT people. Each infographic looks at a different sector: education, healthcare, policing and governments at work.
These infographics combine the views from representatives of professional groups with findings from FRA's hate crime and discrimination survey of LGBT people. Each infographic looks at a different sector: education, healthcare, policing and governments at work.
These infographics combine the views from representatives of professional groups with findings from FRA's hate crime and discrimination survey of LGBT people. Each infographic looks at a different sector: education, healthcare, policing and governments at work.
These infographics combine the views from representatives of professional groups with findings from FRA's hate crime and discrimination survey of LGBT people. Each infographic looks at a different sector: education, healthcare, policing and governments at work.
The fundamental rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are often not respected across the EU. Public officials and other professionals in education, healthcare and law enforcement are entrusted with the duty to ensure that everyone’s fundamental rights are protected and promoted.