A comprehensive national policy covers sector-specific national action plans and policies setting out specific goals, targeted implementation measures and allocation of financial and human resources.
Does the state have a specific national policy framework (action plan or strategy) on child protection and/or child rights ? (More information on national policy framework by EU Member State can be found below)
Source: FRA, 2014
Only 13 Member States have a specific national policy or strategy on child protection. Four Member States (Croatia, France, Italy and Romania) have a draft national policy in the adoption process. In some Member States without a national policy, such as Greece, the government has announced that it is prioritising the development of a comprehensive child protection policy.
Some Member States have action plans at local/regional level. Denmark, for example, lacks a national policy; municipal authorities with child protection responsibilities are charged with developing policies locally.
In some Member States with decentralised systems, such as Finland or the Netherlands, local, regional and national policies co-exist.
In some federal Member States, like Germany and Belgium, policies are developed at country-community level. In Austria’s federal government developed a national policy targeting children rights.
Child and Youth Policy Programme (Lapsi- ja nuorisopolitiikan kehittämisohjelma 2012-2015 / Barn- och ungdomspolitiska utvecklingsprogrammet 2012–2015)
National Development Plan for Social Welfare and Health Care (Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon kansallinen kehittämisohjelma / Det nationella utvecklingsprogrammet för social- och hälsovårdenCare, Kaste 2012–2015); it covers families and children support services
Child Welfare Programme 2013–2018 (Lietuvos Respublikos Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministro įsakymas ‘Dėl vaiko gerovės 2013–2018 metų programos patvirtinimo‘)
National Programme on Prevention of Violence Against Children and for Assistance to Children 2011–2015 (Lietuvos Respublikos Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministro įsakymas ‘Dėl nacionalinės smurto prieš vaikus prevencijos ir pagalbos vaikams 2011–2015 metų programos patvirtinimo’)
Guidelines of the State Family Policy 2011–2017 (Ģimenes valsts politikas pamatnostādnes 2011.–2017.gadam)
National Action Plan for Children for 2013–2017 (Národný akčný plán pre deti na roky 2013– 2017)
National Strategy to Protect Children against Violence (Národná stratégia na ochranu detí pred násilím)