
FRA will join discussions at the informal meeting of the Council Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens' Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP) on 11 September in Helsinki.
The FRA Director will present its Fundamental Rights Report 2019 to the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee on 12 September in Brussels.
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On 5 September, FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty presented the agency to the new European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).
The independent member appointed by the Council of Europe to FRA’s Management Board, Rainer Hofmann, will give a presentation to the Council of Europe’s Rapporteur Group on External Relations of the Committee of Ministers on 10 September in Strasbourg.
The FRA Director will deliver a keynote speech at a conference on 10 September in Helsinki being organised by the Finnish Presidency of the EU.
On 6 September in Brussels, FRA will present its work on criminal detention and the European Arrest Warrant during a meeting of the Working Party on Cooperation in Criminal Matters (COPEN).
The FRA Director will have his first exchange of views following the European Parliament elections with its Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE) in Brussels on 5 September.
The agency’s Scientific Committee will meet on 5 September at FRA.
The EU-wide lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans and intersex (LGBTI) survey 2019 has closed. Around 140,000 LGBTI people of all ages and backgrounds shared their stories with us, topping the 93,000 that answered FRA’s first survey in 2012.
FRA will present its focus paper on data quality and artificial intelligence to the Council Working Party on Information Exchange and Data Protection (DAPIX) on 3 September in Brussels.
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On 28 August, a delegation of Romania’s National Council for Combating Discrimination and the Romanian Institute for Public Policy visited FRA.
FRA spoke about migration narratives during a European Migration Network seminar in Slovakia that ran from 20 to 22 August.
On 26 August, during this year’s Alpbach Forum, FRA and the International Ombudsman Institute will run a session on human rights under pressure.
It is with great sadness that the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights learned about the death of Giovanni Buttarelli, the European Data Protection Supervisor.
Across the EU, various promising initiatives have sprung up to support young migrants become part of European society, following the large-scale influx of migrants and refugees to the EU. Marking International Youth Day on 12 August, FRA draws attention to their situation and urges Member States to do more to help them fully integrate.
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The Nazis persecuted, detained and executed hundreds of thousands of Roma. But the Roma genocide during the Holocaust was not formally recognised until the 1980s. Roma Holocaust Memorial Day on 2 August is a time to remember their suffering and to call for an end to the longstanding antigypsyism that Roma communities still endure today.
Food deprivation, removals with no prior notice and the arrest of humanitarian workers carrying out search and rescue operations at sea are some of the fundamental rights concerns FRA identifies in its latest migration quarterly. It reports on some of the fallout in EU Member States as they continue to harden their migration policies and laws. It also highlights longstanding problems resulting from overcrowding and asylum processing.
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The Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU invited FRA to present its tools on the promotion of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights to the Council’s Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP) in Brussels on 10 July 2019.
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FRA attended a conference on 9 July 2019 on the theme of ‘Racism, Xenophobia and Ethnic and Racial Discrimination in Portugal’, organised by the Portuguese Parliament’s Subcommittee for Equality and Non-Discrimination of the Committee of Legal Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees (1st Committee).
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FRA contributed to the side event ‘Human Rights and the 2030 Agenda: Leaving No One Behind while Accelerating SDG Implementation’ organized at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2019 on Sustainable Development on the theme of ‘Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality’ from 11-16 July 2019.