Nomination pending for EE


The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) invited FRA to present how to use the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter in litigating judicial independence and related issues. This includes the use of FRA tools and materials.
FRA will join round-table discussions on Roma inclusion and empowerment in Romania
FRA will take part in a series of seminars organised by the Council of Europe introducing their HELP course on procedural rights for lawyers in Bulgaria and Greece.
FRA was part of the EU Delegation at the 6th plenary meeting of the Council of Europe’s Committee on artificial intelligence (AI).
FRA took part in the annual meeting of the European Union Temporary Relocation Platform from 7 to 8 June in Brussels.

Freedom of Expression and the EU’s Ban on Russia Today: A Dangerous Rubicon Crossed

Publication Year
Voorhoof, Dirk, Ó Fataigh, Ronan
Communications Law
Page numbers