The impact of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, rising child poverty, widespread hate and protecting rights in the face of technological change are just some of the pressing human rights issues in FRA’s 2023 Fundamental Rights Report. With a focus section on the impact of the aggression within the EU, the report examines the support and solidarity provided by governments, local authorities and society. It suggests how EU countries can better ensure effective protection, especially for women who fled the conflict and need targeted support.
On 25 May, Eurostat issued its ‘Sustainable development in the EU’ monitoring report on progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the EU.
FRA held a consultation webinar on the upcoming report on how human rights defenders at risk in non-EU countries can enter and stay in the EU.
FRA met online with member organisations of the European Youth Forum to consult on their civic space challenges.
FRA’s Scientific Committee will hold an academic conference on 1 June in Lodz.
Over the last eight years, the EU and its Member States took important steps to strengthen the fundamental rights protection of migrants and asylum seekers. But, despite progress, challenges persist ranging from the treatment of migrants at EU borders to difficult conditions in detention and reception centres, finds the latest migration bulletin from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).