On 1 June, FRA will present the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter to Austrian students during a conference organised by Südwind Association.
The Eurostat task force on the EU gender-based violence survey will meet virtually from 1 to 2 June.
From 1 to 2 June, FRA will take part in a meeting of the Working Group on Equality and Values.
FRA attended a workshop on the EU’s Entry-Exit-System.
The Swedish Presidency of the EU invited FRA and Europol to a discussion on artificial intelligence from a law enforcement perspective.
FRA was a speaker at a panel discussion on critical perspectives for equality data in combating discrimination.
This report provides a partial update on the findings of the 2017 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) report Surveillance by intelligence services: Fundamental rights safeguards and remedies in the EU. It was prepared at the request of the European Parliament, which asked FRA to update its 2017 findings to support the work of its committee of inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware (PEGA).
An increased number of oversight bodies in EU Member States now monitors the work of intelligence services. But people whose human rights were violated still have difficulty getting justice, finds an update from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). It supports the work of the European Parliament Committee investigating the use of the Pegasus spyware (PEGA). The Parliament will adopt its final resolution on spyware in June 2023.