Call for Tender
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA or the Agency) is looking to contract catering provider for the ‘FRANET meeting’ at FRA premises on 3 May 2023. There will be maximum 40 participants.
Michael O’Flaherty
FRA Director, Michael O'Flaherty, spoke at the “(Più) Partecipazione, Inclusione e Uguaglianza” event about the challenges Roma and Travellers face in Europe. In his speech, he suggested steps to ensure full respect for their human rights.
News Item
In August 2022, the nine EU Agencies cooperating within the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies’ Network published a joint paper on how they have been supporting EU Member States and institutions in responding to the Russian military aggression against Ukraine and helping people affected and displaced by the war.
The online data explorer for the FRA Roma Survey 2021 in 10 European countries is now available.
On 30 and 31 March, FRA participated at the International Public Information Directors Roundtable in Stockholm.
A high-level conference on institutional protection of fundamental rights in times of crises will take place in Lund from 20 to 21 April. It will provide a forum to discuss how structures to protect fundamental rights in the European Union can be made more robust and resilient in times of crises. The event aims to explore what can we learn from crises, past and present, and how can we best move forward. The event will be live streamed.
FRA joined the Spring Academy of the Asser Institute on AI and international law on 28 March.
FRA held a hybrid meeting with NHRIs and the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) from 21 to 22 March. FRA also invited its National Liaison Officers and EU Charter Focal Points.
On 25 April, FRA will hold one of its monthly webinars for civil society organisations participating in the Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP).