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Legislation to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) is developing at a fast pace for European Union Member States. In April 2021, the European Commission proposed a regulation governing the use of artificial intelligence (the AI Act). Among other specifications, the proposed law defines a list of “high-risk AI systems”, such as the use of AI for recruitment purposes. High-risk AI is subject to certain requirements, including assessments and documentation relevant for the protection of fundamental rights. In addition, the Council of Europe started negotiations on an international (framework) Convention on AI in April 2022. This project will provide empirical analysis and guidance on how to assess high-risk AI in relation to fundamental rights, which will be done by focusing on selected use cases and a combination of desk-research and fieldwork.
Victims of crime across the EU still do not receive adequate support or protection, finds a new report of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Measures that could help respect victims’ rights are lacking or not well used. On European Day for Victims of Crime, FRA calls on EU countries to better protect victims, improve victim support and facilitate crime reporting.
FRA took part in a meeting of the European Migration Network (EMN) Return Expert Group.
FRA will take part in the annual meeting of European Presidents of Bar and Law Societies.
On 8 February, FRA’s Director exchanged views with the Council of Europe’s GREVIO expert group on monitoring the implementation of the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.
FRA actively took part in the plenary meeting of the Council of Europe Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) from 1 to 3 February.