The European Excellence Exchange in Journalism project and the Permanent Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators invited FRA to present two new courses of its eMedia Toolkit on migration.
On 1-2 March, FRA hosted the Greek Fundamental Rights Officer for a two-day induction meeting.
Call for Tender
In April 2023, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) plans to launch an Open Call for Tenders for the implementation of the Roma Survey 2024. The overall objective of the contract is the implementation of the Roma Survey 2024, which will collect comparable data in up to 16 countries - up to 13 EU Member States: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Sweden plus Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia, to support Member States and EU institutions in protecting the fundamental rights of the Roma. In that regard FRA launched a market analysis survey to inform the preparation of the call for tenders.
On 28 February, FRA spoke at the closing conference of the EU-funded PolStops network.
On 28 February, FRA attended a plenary meeting of the Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint network.
On 13 March, FRA will welcome the former ambassador of Israel in the EU and Brussels and a delegation of students.
News Item
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is looking for its next Director to take office in December 2023.
Across the European Union, the professional backgrounds and skills of guardians of unaccompanied children vary widely. This led the EU Agency of Fundamental Rights (FRA), in close coordination with the European Guardianship Network, to develop training material for guardians and trainers.