On 1 December, FRA presented the results of the Roma survey 2021 to the members of the Czech government council for Roma minority affairs.
On 6 December, FRA will speak at a round-table event on child-friendly justice and children as victims of crime at the European Parliament.
FRA will speak at the official opening of the International Human Rights Day celebration ‘Dignity, Equality, Solidarity’ in Warsaw on 9 December.
In this vlog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty talks about artificial intelligence and algorithms. While AI can be a powerful force for good, he points out that humans must supervise very closely the application of AI and a permanent testing of every possible application is needed. On 8 December, FRA is publishing a new report on bias in algorithms.
Once again, FRA is cooperating with this year’s 'this human world', Vienna’s international human rights film festival. FRA supports the screening of three films on human rights.