This bulletin looks at the fundamental rights situation of all persons fleeing the Russian war in Ukraine to the four EU Member States neighbouring Ukraine. This is primarily in terms of the application of the EU Temporary Protection Directive. It is based on findings of FRA’s field mission to Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia at the beginning of March 2022. It is also based on weekly country reports prepared by Franet, the contracted research network of FRA between 1 March and 27 April 2022.
Call for Tender
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA or the Agency) is looking to contract the research and in-depth analysis on the key legal and jurisprudential principles of European law relating to cybercrime and electronic evidence. The objective of this contract is to provide FRA with a Handbook on European law relating to cybercrime and fundamental rights, based on relevant law of the EU and the Council of Europe (CoE), in particular the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).
Michael O’Flaherty
FRA Director, Michael O'Flaherty delivers his speech during the Council of Europe's 'Beyond the horizon: a new era for the rights of the child' conference. The event in Rome on 7 April marks the launch of their new child rights strategy.
The European Policy Congress this year will focus on whether change poses a risk or a chance.
FRA highlighted fundamental rights safeguards in the EU’s Entry-Exit system during a training course on 26 and 28 April.
FRA took part in the conference ID@Borders & Future of Travel Conference 2022.
FRA will provide training on the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter for staff of several Croatian ministries.
FRA will present findings from its report on presumption of innocence and related rights at a two-day conference on the state of criminal justice in the EU.
This focus looks at the impact of the pandemic on social rights. It examines the measures in national recovery and resilience plans that address the social vulnerabilities among a variety of population groups in the EU, including women, children and young people in situations of vulnerability, people with disabilities, older people, Roma and people in precarious working conditions.
FRA will take part in a working group to update the HELP course on child-friendly justice and child rights.