FRA will give an online presentation on its work and activities to a delegation of Turkish authorities on 25 January.
On 11 January, FRA held the inception meeting for a new project on the Entry/Exit System (EES) with partners from its research network, FRANET.
A delegation from Moldova visited FRA on 16 January. It was an opportunity to present the Agency to the delegation and showcase how it works with examples.
On 17 January, the UN Development Programme held a virtual roundtable event on ‘Being Black in the EU and beyond. People of African Descent, discrimination and the SDGs’. The event was prompted by FRA’s recent publication ‘Being Black in the EU’.
Launch Date
Project Status
The Roma survey 2024 will collect comparable data in ten selected EU Member States (Bulgaria, Czechia, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain) and three accession countries (Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia). The Roma and Travellers (in France and Ireland) will be asked a wide range of questions about their everyday life, including their socio-economic situation. They will also be asked about their fundamental rights, including experiences of discrimination, harassment and violence, as well as including any racially-motivated incidents.
Launch Date
Project Status
The EU will set up its Entry-Exit System (EES) by the end of 2024. It is a new IT system to record travellers entering and leaving the EU. FRA will examine the potential fundamental rights implications of the system. It aims to develop guidance and support material for EU Member States and EU institutions to implement the system in a fundamental rights’ compliant manner.