Charterpedia is a practical, single source for information about the fundamental rights you have under EU law. It is an online space for you to find and discover more about your fundamental rights.
EU funds must respect fundamental rights and are a key driver for equality and inclusion. The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) calls on the EU and its Member States to involve national human rights institutions, ombuds institutions and equality bodies in the programming, implementing and monitoring of EU funds. This will prevent EU money from being spent in ways that undermine or directly violate our rights.
Council of Europe (CoE) and European Union (EU) Member States have an undeniable sovereign right to control the entry of non-nationals into their territory. While carrying out border control, states have a duty to protect fundamental rights of all people under their jurisdiction, regardless of their nationality, status, or age. Children as a category
of vulnerable persons with special needs require heightened protection.