News Item
FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2023 reviews major fundamental rights developments in 2022, identifying achievements and areas of concern. It also presents FRA’s opinions on these developments.
FRA took part in a Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU seminar on women and justice.
FRA presented its work and institutional cooperation on civic space at an internal forum of the European Commission’s NEAR Directorate-General. It also spoke about its work on entry, stay and support in the EU for human rights defenders.
Between 20 and 21 November, FRA joined senior representatives of the nine EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies in Malta. The Agencies’ representatives took stock of the implementation of the five thematic priorities of the EU Asylum Agency’s 2023 Presidency of the network.
FRA’s presented its work on antisemitism at the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Plenary meeting.