On 30-31 October, FRA’s Director travelled to the UK to deliver a speech at the University of Nottingham on racism. The Director used key findings from ‘Being Black in the EU’ to illustrate the pervasive and persistent scourge of racism in society.
On 28 November, the EU Network of Member States will meet in Brussels. They will discuss the European Commission’s Recommendation on integrated child protection systems and accompanying Staff Working Document that are currently under preparation.
FRA will take part in the International Conference on Human Rights of Older Persons 2023. FRA will present the findings of its report on the fundamental rights of older people and ensuring access to digital public services.
FRA addressed the Council of the EU’s Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP) on 15 November in Brussels.
On 22 November, FRA gave a presentation online on guardianship for unaccompanied children. The presentation was part of a seminar organised by the European Committee of the Regions and UNICEF to celebrate World Children’s Day.
Every year, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) updates its overview of national forced return monitoring systems across the EU. The overview for 2022 is now available.