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In an ever-changing and fast-moving world, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) must adapt to tackle current and future challenges. Its Strategic Plan 2023-2028 explains how it will rise to these challenges, promoting and protecting rights for all.
Almost half of people of African descent in the EU face racism and discrimination in their daily life – a rise since 2016. Racist harassment and ethnic profiling are also common, especially for young people, finds a new survey from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). FRA calls on EU countries to take urgent steps to tackle racial discrimination and harassment to ensure everybody is treated equally and with dignity.
Racism remains a persistent problem in the EU. EU actions are driving laws and policies to tackle racial discrimination. To guide these efforts, a high-level conference on anti-racism in the EU will take place in Barcelona on 2 and 3 November 2023. It will explore what underpins structural racism in Europe, what the EU and its Member States are doing to address it, as well as how people of African descent are represented in public office and the media.
FRA’s strategic priorities and objectives are based on the agency’s role and mission as defined in its amended founding regulation. They build on FRA’s 2018–2022 strategy as well as how it performed, its experience and its vision. Their design takes into account future fundamental rights challenges facing Europe, the agency’s mandate, the broader operational context and the resources available.
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Civil society organisations in the European Union are still facing threats, due to laws, lack of funding and limited access to decision-making. But the latest findings from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) also reveal growing awareness and support to enable civil society better promote human rights and democracy.
Civil society organisations struggle to maintain an environment safe from threats and attacks. FRA’s sixth annual update on civic space explores the challenges for organisations across the EU. While there has been significant development since FRA began monitoring the situation in 2018, civil society organisations remain under immense pressure. Abusive lawsuits and attacks against those involved in migrant search and rescue at sea are just some of the challenges identified. This report presents ways forward to protect civil society and human rights.
FRA publishes annual updates on the forced return monitoring systems that EU Member States have set up under Article 8 (6) of the EU’s Return Directive (2008/115/EC). This latest update covers the period until the end of 2022.
FRA will run an online information session on 18 October on FRA’s work on Ukraine.