
On 16 May, FRA will speak at HIAS Europe’s ‘The Welcome Circle programme for Ukrainians’ event.
FRA will talk about European legislation and fundamental rights on issues linked to migration in Europe during a seminar organised by the European Law Students' Association (ELSA) in Italy.
Michael O’Flaherty
FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty delivered a policy statement on the challenges which are currently posed to the rule of law in the European Union on 15 May at a Law Society of Ireland seminar in Dublin. He spoke about how to promote and strengthen fundamental rights throughout the EU.
FRA spoke at the annual ‘spring conference’ of the Hungarian National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing.
FRA and the European Parliament Liaison Office in Vienna are co-organising a panel discussion on combating antisemitism.
On 11 May, FRA presented an overview of fundamental rights challenges at borders at a break-out sessions during the 13th World Conference of the International Association of Refugee and Migration Judges.
FRA joined the 31st conference of the European Data Protection Authorities.
FRA spoke at a European Commission seminar on protecting civic space on 10 May in Brussels.
On 3 May, FRA presented its ageing in digital societies project to AGE Platform Europe’s Task Force on Age-Friendly Environments.
The municipality of Vienna launches its third round of equality monitoring on 11 May.
FRA will have exchange views with Human Dimension experts from the EU Delegation and EU Member States Permanent Representations to the OSCE.
A delegation of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Equality and Non-Discrimination Committee, and member of the ‘No Hate Parliamentary Alliance’, will visit FRA on 8 May.
On 26 April, FRA joined a webinar on the role of local governments policies based in human rights.
FRA’s Director will participate in the 18th European Union – African Union Human Rights Dialogue on 4 May in Brussels.
FRA delivered fundamental rights training at the Frontex organised EES (Entry-Exit System) training event for border guards.
FRA, together with the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), facilitated a workshop on hate crime recording and data collection.
FRA will take part in EIGE's gender statistics database expert meeting.
FRA will host its FRANET Meeting on 3 May. FRANET is the Agency’s multidisciplinary research network.
FRA joined the 5th plenary meeting of the Council of Europe’s Committee on artificial intelligence (AI) as part of the EU Delegation.
FRA joined the conference on safeguarding older people’s legal and human rights through active citizenship and inter-generational approach on 24 April in Vienna.