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Work on rights
Il-ġustizzja, id-drittijiet tal-vittmi u l-kooperazzjoni ġudizzjarja
Drittijiet tal-vittmi
Drittijiet tal-konvenuti
Ġustizzja ċivili
Kooperazzjoni ġudizzjarja u stat tad-dritt
Drittijiet tan-negozju u tal-bniedem
Ugwaljanza, non-diskriminazzjoni u razziżmu
Tfal, żgħażagħ u anzjani
Persuni b’diżabilità
Reat ta’ mibegħda
Oriġini razzjali u etnika
Reliġjon u twemmin
Sess, orjentazzjoni sesswali u ġeneru
Ażil, migrazzjoni u fruntieri
Aċċess għall-asil
Fruntieri u sistemi ta’ informazzjoni
Protezzjoni tat-tfal
Migrazzjoni irregolari, ritorn u detenzjoni tal-immigrazzjoni
Migrazzjoni legali u integrazzjoni
Traffikar u sfruttament ta’ ħaddiema
Il-protezzjoni tad-data, il-privatezza u t-teknoloġiji ġodda
Intelliġenza artifiċjali u big data
Fruntieri u sistemi ta’ informazzjoni
Protezzjoni tad-data
Tfassil ta’ profil illegali
Appoġġ għal sistemi u difensuri tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem
Il-Karta tal-UE dwar id-Drittijiet Fundamentali
Sistemi intergovernattivi tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem
Sistemi u korpi nazzjonali tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem
Soċjetà Ċivili
Il-karta tad-Drittijiet Fundamentali tal-UE
X’inhuma d-drittijiet fundamentali?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
Titolu I: Dinjità
1 - Is-dinjità tal-bniedem
2 - Id-dritt għall-ħajja
3 - Id-dritt għall-integrità tal-persuna
4 - Il-projbizzjoni tat-tortura jew tal-pieni jew trattamenti inumani jew degradanti
5 - Il-projbizzjoni ta' l-iskjavitù u tax-xogħol forzat
Titolu II.: Libertajiet
6 - Id-dritt għal-libertà u għas-sigurtà
7 - Ir-rispett għall-ħajja privata u tal-familja
8 - Il-protezzjoni tad-data personali
9 - Id-dritt għaż-żwieġ u d-dritt għat-twaqqif ta' familja
10 - Il-libertà tal-ħsieb, tal-kuxjenza u tar-reliġjon
11 - Il-libertà ta' l-espressjoni u ta' l-informazzjoni
12 - Il-libertà ta' għaqda u ta' assoċjazzjoni
13 - Il-libertà ta' l-arti u x-xjenzi
14 - Id-dritt għall-edukazzjoni
15 - Il-libertà professjonali u d-dritt għax-xogħol
16 - Il-libertà ta' l-intrapriża
17 - Id-dritt għall-proprjetà
18 - Id-dritt għall-asil
19 - Il-protezzjoni f'każ ta' tneħħija, tkeċċija jew estradizzjoni
Titolu III: L-Ugwaljanza
20 - L-ugwaljanza f'għajnejn il-
21 - Non-diskriminazzjoni
22 - Id-diversità kulturali, reliġjuża u lingwistika
23 - L-ugwaljanza bejn in-nisa u l-irġiel
24 - Id-drittijiet tat-tfal
25 - Id-drittijiet ta' l-anzjani
26 - L-integrazzjoni tal-persuni diżabbli
Titolu IV: Solidarjetà
27 - Id-dritt tal-ħaddiema għall-informazzjoni u l-konsultazzjoni fi ħdan l-impriża
28 - Id-dritt ta' negozjar u ta' azzjoni kollettiva
29 - Id-dritt ta' aċċess għas-servizzi ta' impjieg
30 - Il-protezzjoni fil-każ ta' tkeċċija inġusta
31 - Kondizzjonijiet tax-xogħol ġusti u xierqa
32 - Il-projbizzjoni ta' impjieg ta' tfal u protezzjoni taż-żgħażagħ fuq il-post tax-xogħol
33 - Il-ħajja tal-familja u professjonali
34 - Sigurtà soċjali u assistenza soċjali
35 - Il-protezzjoni tas-saħħa
36 - L-aċċess għal servizzi ta' interess ekonomiku ġenerali
37 - Protezzjoni ta' l-ambjent
38 - Protezzjoni tal-konsumatur
Titolu V.: Ċittadinanza
39 - Id-dritt tal-vot u d-dritt tal-kandidatura fl-elezzjonijiet għall-Parlament Ewropew
40 - Id-dritt tal-vot u d-dritt tal-kandidatura fl-elezzjonijiet muniċipali
41 - Id-dritt għal amministrazzjoni tajba
42 - Id-dritt ta' aċċess għad-dokumenti
43 - L-Ombudsman Ewropew
44 - Id-dritt ta' petizzjoni
45 - Il-libertà ta' moviment u ta' residenza
46 - Il-protezzjoni diplomatika u konsulari
Titolu VI: Ġustizzja
47 - Id-dritt għal rimedju effettiv u għal proċess imparzjali
48 - Il-preżunzjoni ta' innoċenza u d-dritt għad-difiża
49 - Il-prinċipji ta' legalità u proporzjonalità ta' reati u ta' pieni
50 - Id-dritt li wieħed ma jiġix iġġudikat jew jingħata piena darbtejn għall-istess reat
Titolu VII: Dispożizzjonijiet generali
51 - Kamp ta' applikazzjoni
52 - L-ambitu u l-interpretazzjoni ta' drittijiet u ta' prinċipji
53 - Il-livell ta' protezzjoni
54 - Il-projbizzjoni ta' l-abbuż ta' dritt
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
Case-law database
FRA e-learning platform
Data visualisation
Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
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L-istituzzjonijiet tal-UE u korpi oħrajn
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EU agencies
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European Ombudsman
EU CRPD Framework
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L-Istati Membri tal-UE
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Press releases
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FRA products 2021
FRA Products 2020
FRA Products 2019
Press packs
EU LGBTIQ survey - Press pack
Fundamental Rights Survey
EU LGBTI survey II
From institutions to community living for persons with disabilities: perspectives from the ground
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey – Main results
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Muslims
Together in the EU: Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Roma
Severe labour exploitation in the EU
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of professionals: Press pack
Fundamental rights at EU borders
Violence against women press pack
Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism
EU LGBT Press pack
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of children
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Work on rights
Work on rights
Il-ġustizzja, id-drittijiet tal-vittmi u l-kooperazzjoni ġudizzjarja
Drittijiet tal-vittmi
Drittijiet tal-konvenuti
Ġustizzja ċivili
Kooperazzjoni ġudizzjarja u stat tad-dritt
Drittijiet tan-negozju u tal-bniedem
Ugwaljanza, non-diskriminazzjoni u razziżmu
Tfal, żgħażagħ u anzjani
Persuni b’diżabilità
Reat ta’ mibegħda
Oriġini razzjali u etnika
Reliġjon u twemmin
Sess, orjentazzjoni sesswali u ġeneru
Ażil, migrazzjoni u fruntieri
Aċċess għall-asil
Fruntieri u sistemi ta’ informazzjoni
Protezzjoni tat-tfal
Migrazzjoni irregolari, ritorn u detenzjoni tal-immigrazzjoni
Migrazzjoni legali u integrazzjoni
Traffikar u sfruttament ta’ ħaddiema
Il-protezzjoni tad-data, il-privatezza u t-teknoloġiji ġodda
Intelliġenza artifiċjali u big data
Fruntieri u sistemi ta’ informazzjoni
Protezzjoni tad-data
Tfassil ta’ profil illegali
Appoġġ għal sistemi u difensuri tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem
Il-Karta tal-UE dwar id-Drittijiet Fundamentali
Sistemi intergovernattivi tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem
Sistemi u korpi nazzjonali tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem
Soċjetà Ċivili
Il-karta tad-Drittijiet Fundamentali tal-UE
Il-karta tad-Drittijiet Fundamentali tal-UE
X’inhuma d-drittijiet fundamentali?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
Titolu I: Dinjità
1 -
Is-dinjità tal-bniedem
2 -
Id-dritt għall-ħajja
3 -
Id-dritt għall-integrità tal-persuna
4 -
Il-projbizzjoni tat-tortura jew tal-pieni jew trattamenti inumani jew degradanti
5 -
Il-projbizzjoni ta' l-iskjavitù u tax-xogħol forzat
Titolu II.: Libertajiet
6 -
Id-dritt għal-libertà u għas-sigurtà
7 -
Ir-rispett għall-ħajja privata u tal-familja
8 -
Il-protezzjoni tad-data personali
9 -
Id-dritt għaż-żwieġ u d-dritt għat-twaqqif ta' familja
10 -
Il-libertà tal-ħsieb, tal-kuxjenza u tar-reliġjon
11 -
Il-libertà ta' l-espressjoni u ta' l-informazzjoni
12 -
Il-libertà ta' għaqda u ta' assoċjazzjoni
13 -
Il-libertà ta' l-arti u x-xjenzi
14 -
Id-dritt għall-edukazzjoni
15 -
Il-libertà professjonali u d-dritt għax-xogħol
16 -
Il-libertà ta' l-intrapriża
17 -
Id-dritt għall-proprjetà
18 -
Id-dritt għall-asil
19 -
Il-protezzjoni f'każ ta' tneħħija, tkeċċija jew estradizzjoni
Titolu III: L-Ugwaljanza
20 -
L-ugwaljanza f'għajnejn il-
21 -
22 -
Id-diversità kulturali, reliġjuża u lingwistika
23 -
L-ugwaljanza bejn in-nisa u l-irġiel
24 -
Id-drittijiet tat-tfal
25 -
Id-drittijiet ta' l-anzjani
26 -
L-integrazzjoni tal-persuni diżabbli
Titolu IV: Solidarjetà
27 -
Id-dritt tal-ħaddiema għall-informazzjoni u l-konsultazzjoni fi ħdan l-impriża
28 -
Id-dritt ta' negozjar u ta' azzjoni kollettiva
29 -
Id-dritt ta' aċċess għas-servizzi ta' impjieg
30 -
Il-protezzjoni fil-każ ta' tkeċċija inġusta
31 -
Kondizzjonijiet tax-xogħol ġusti u xierqa
32 -
Il-projbizzjoni ta' impjieg ta' tfal u protezzjoni taż-żgħażagħ fuq il-post tax-xogħol
33 -
Il-ħajja tal-familja u professjonali
34 -
Sigurtà soċjali u assistenza soċjali
35 -
Il-protezzjoni tas-saħħa
36 -
L-aċċess għal servizzi ta' interess ekonomiku ġenerali
37 -
Protezzjoni ta' l-ambjent
38 -
Protezzjoni tal-konsumatur
Titolu V.: Ċittadinanza
39 -
Id-dritt tal-vot u d-dritt tal-kandidatura fl-elezzjonijiet għall-Parlament Ewropew
40 -
Id-dritt tal-vot u d-dritt tal-kandidatura fl-elezzjonijiet muniċipali
41 -
Id-dritt għal amministrazzjoni tajba
42 -
Id-dritt ta' aċċess għad-dokumenti
43 -
L-Ombudsman Ewropew
44 -
Id-dritt ta' petizzjoni
45 -
Il-libertà ta' moviment u ta' residenza
46 -
Il-protezzjoni diplomatika u konsulari
Titolu VI: Ġustizzja
47 -
Id-dritt għal rimedju effettiv u għal proċess imparzjali
48 -
Il-preżunzjoni ta' innoċenza u d-dritt għad-difiża
49 -
Il-prinċipji ta' legalità u proporzjonalità ta' reati u ta' pieni
50 -
Id-dritt li wieħed ma jiġix iġġudikat jew jingħata piena darbtejn għall-istess reat
Titolu VII: Dispożizzjonijiet generali
51 -
Kamp ta' applikazzjoni
52 -
L-ambitu u l-interpretazzjoni ta' drittijiet u ta' prinċipji
53 -
Il-livell ta' protezzjoni
54 -
Il-projbizzjoni ta' l-abbuż ta' dritt
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
Case-law database
FRA e-learning platform
Data visualisation
Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
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Work on rights
Ugwaljanza, non-diskriminazzjoni u razziżmu
Tfal, żgħażagħ u anzjani
Tfal, żgħażagħ u anzjani
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Titolu III: L-Ugwaljanza
Artikolu 24 - Id-drittijiet tat-tfal
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Titolu III: L-Ugwaljanza
Artikolu 25 - Id-drittijiet ta' l-anzjani
Report / Paper / Summary
Fundamental rights of older people: ensuring access to public services in digital societies
Europe’s ageing population is ever-increasing, and our societies are becoming more digitalised. Many public services are now available online, with many more services in the process of being digitalised. But the digitalisation of public services poses a risk of exclusion for older persons. In this new report, FRA explores the impact of digitalisation on the fundamental rights of older persons. The report maps the current legislation, policies and practices fostering digital inclusion. It provides an overview of the laws at the national level that provide for equal access to public services, both online and offline. The findings show how Member States safeguard older person’s rights to access services undergoing digitalisation. It outlines how Member States can support digital skills and ensure older people can fully participate in public life.
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Handbook / Guide / Manual
Handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child - 2022 edition
Children are full-fledged holders of rights. They are beneficiaries of all human and fundamental rights and subjects of special regulations, given their specific characteristics. This handbook aims to illustrate how European law and case law accommodate the specific interests and needs of children. It also considers the importance of parents and guardians or other legal representatives and makes reference, where appropriate, to situations in which rights and responsibilities are most prominently vested in children’s carers. It is a point of reference on both European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE) law related to these subjects, explaining how each issue is regulated under EU law, including the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, as well as under the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Social Charter and other CoE instruments.
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Leaflet / Flyer
Child rights in the EU - Supporting you, Supporting them
Child rights come first. Measures to ensure child protection and participation apply to all children in the EU. This brochure guides you to relevant FRA reports and tools that can support you when promoting and protecting the rights of all children in the EU.
Report / Paper / Summary
Mapping minimum age requirements: Children's rights and justice
The right to access justice and all other relevant procedural rights are not just rights in themselves; they also protect against violations of every other right. Respect for children’s rights in the area of justice is therefore essential. International treaties, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, European Union (EU) secondary law, and national legislation provide a number of relevant rights.
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MDX Dataset
Children, youth and older people
Child protection
31 January 2024
Mapping child protection systems in the EU
The data cover the key components of national child protection systems. This includes information on national law and policies, as well as the structures, actors, resources, functions and monitoring of national child protection systems.
Report / Paper / Summary
Child protection
Asylum, migration and borders
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
Mapping Child Protection Systems in the EU – Update 2023
Children’s rights exist to ensure the safety and wellbeing of every child. Improved child protection systems ensure that these rights are met. In recent years, the EU has taken significant steps to improve child protection systems. This mapping of child protection systems gives an overview of the state of such systems at national level and developments since 2015. It promotes the improvement of integrated child protection systems. It is an update of FRA’s mapping of child protection systems in 2015, based on data collected in 2023 in the 27 EU Member States. By publishing this, FRA aims to support securing the sustainable well-being, safety and rights of all children living in the EU.
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Report / Paper / Summary
Children, youth and older people
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Fundamental rights of older people: ensuring access to public services in digital societies
Europe’s ageing population is ever-increasing, and our societies are becoming more digitalised. Many public services are now available online, with many more services in the process of being digitalised. But the digitalisation of public services poses a risk of exclusion for older persons. In this new report, FRA explores the impact of digitalisation on the fundamental rights of older persons. The report maps the current legislation, policies and practices fostering digital inclusion. It provides an overview of the laws at the national level that provide for equal access to public services, both online and offline. The findings show how Member States safeguard older person’s rights to access services undergoing digitalisation. It outlines how Member States can support digital skills and ensure older people can fully participate in public life.
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Handbook / Guide / Manual
Child protection
Asylum, migration and borders
Children, youth and older people
Guardianship for unaccompanied children - A manual for trainers of guardians
This manual is designed to help institutions, organisations and individuals to train guardians of unaccompanied children or to deliver ‘train-the-trainers’ courses. It can be used in a range of training contexts, such as professional and academic training, on-the-job training and continuing training. The manual is based on human and fundamental rights principles and ethical standards and recognises that the child and the guardian have their own personal stories, resources and capacities. It enhances guardians’ confidence to promote the child’s rights and best interests. It also enhances their confidence to act independently and impartially in relation to different state
officials, service providers and other community members.
Access the online course
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
Hate crime
02 November 2022
Roma in 10 European Countries - Main results
This report presents findings from FRA’s 2021 survey on Roma in Croatia, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain, as well as in North Macedonia and Serbia. The survey includes interviews with more than 8,400 Roma, collecting information on more than 20,000 individuals living in their households. By focusing on Roma, the survey provides unique data and information that are not available from European general population surveys, which do not disaggregate on grounds of ethnic origin. The findings present a bleak but familiar picture of exclusion, deprivation, discrimination and racism.
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Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
19 October 2022
Our data is your ally
Young? Passionate about human rights? Having the right data can make a world of difference for your campaigning.
Dive into the data
Children, youth and older people
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
01 September 2022
Fundamental Rights Dialogue, 7 May 2022 in Paris - highlights
On 7 May 2022, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) organised the fourth Fundamental Rights Dialogue – a live debate that gives young people an opportunity to voice their fundamental rights concerns and to discuss ways to solve them.
Report / Paper / Summary
Defendants’ rights
Children, youth and older people
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Children as suspects or accused persons in criminal proceedings — procedural safeguards
Every child has a right to be protected even when they are accused or suspected of committing a crime. The basic principles of justice apply to adults and children alike. But children face specific obstacles during criminal proceedings, such as a lack of understandable information about their rights, limited legal support and poor treatment. The report looks at the practical implementation of Directive (EU) 2016/800 on procedural safeguards for children who are suspects or accused persons in criminal proceedings in nine Member States – Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Malta, Poland and Portugal.
Read press release
Handbook / Guide / Manual
Children, youth and older people
Asylum, migration and borders
Child protection
Data protection, privacy and new technologies
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
German version now available
19 January 2024
Handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child - 2022 edition
Children are full-fledged holders of rights. They are beneficiaries of all human and fundamental rights and subjects of special regulations, given their specific characteristics. This handbook aims to illustrate how European law and case law accommodate the specific interests and needs of children. It also considers the importance of parents and guardians or other legal representatives and makes reference, where appropriate, to situations in which rights and responsibilities are most prominently vested in children’s carers. It is a point of reference on both European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE) law related to these subjects, explaining how each issue is regulated under EU law, including the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, as well as under the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Social Charter and other CoE instruments.
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Report / Paper / Summary
Child protection
Asylum, migration and borders
Children, youth and older people
Guardianship systems for unaccompanied children in the European Union: developments since 2014
In 2015 and 2016, the numbers of unaccompanied children arriving in Europe increased dramatically, straining national guardianship systems. This report looks at how EU Member States, as well as North Macedonia and Serbia, have adapted their guardianship systems for unaccompanied children since that time.
Read press release
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
20 January 2022
Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 - Listening to young people
If we are serious about protecting fundamental rights, we need to start listening to young people and what they have to tell us. This message came through very strongly at the Fundamental Rights Forum 2021. As we kick off the European Year of Youth 2022, let’s look at why listening to young people is key to protecting their rights.
Children, youth and older people
22 December 2021
Video blog by Michael O'Flaherty: European Year of Young People 2022
In this vlog, FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty highlights the important role young people have in creating solutions and addressing challenges in our societies. FRA will establish dialogues between policymakers and young people in 2022 so that we find a way forward together.
Children, youth and older people
30 July 2021
How does Covid-19 affect young people?
The Coronavirus pandemic strongly affected young people. They are frequently blamed for spreading the virus. They also face widespread unemployment. In this vlog, FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty points to the need to address such challenges. On FRA’s side, young people, as human rights champions, will be at the heart of the debate at the Fundamental Rights Forum from 11 to 12 October.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
Roma and Travellers in six countries
This report presents findings from FRA’s 2019 survey on Roma and Travellers in Belgium, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The survey included interviews with almost 4,700 Roma and Travellers, collecting information on more than 8,200 individuals living in their households.
Read the press release
Videos on country specific findings
Download country sheets
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
11 September 2020
Video blog Michael O'Flaherty: Covid-19 and Roma children
In his latest vlog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty speaks about the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Roma community. Roma children are in danger of losing almost a whole year of schooling. It’s like losing a generation. It’s robbing children of the one place where they can have hope and dream the same dreams of every other child.
Periodic updates / Series
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
Coronavirus pandemic in the EU - Fundamental Rights Implications - Bulletin 3
The Coronavirus pandemic continues to interrupt everyday life in the EU in unprecedented ways. But the way it affects our societies is shifting. As governments gradually lift some of the measures put in place to contain the spread of COVID-19, new fundamental rights concerns arise: how to ensure that the rights to life and health are upheld as daily life transitions to a ‘new normal’. This Bulletin looks at declarations of states of emergency, or equivalent, and how they came under scrutiny. It considers
the impact on fundamental rights in important areas of daily life, and includes a thematic focus on the pandemic's impact on older people.
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Data protection, privacy and new technologies
Data protection
Children, youth and older people
Data protection, privacy and new technologies
25 May 2020
Video blog Michael O'Flaherty: New COVID-19 bulletin
In this vlog Michael O'Flaherty outlines fundamental rights considerations when developing technological responses to public health, as he introduces the focus of FRA's next COVID-19 bulletin.
Report / Paper / Summary
Child protection
Asylum, migration and borders
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
Relocating unaccompanied children: applying good practices to future schemes
In recent years, thousands of girls and boys have reached Europe without their parents, and sought international protection. Many of them experienced violence, abuse and neglect in their home countries, and while in transit. They have the right to be protected in line with the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the European Convention on Human Rights, and European Union law. This report explores the challenges and good practices gathered in the implementation of such relocation programmes. Based on information FRA collected in 10 EU Member States, it aims to help national authorities to support the relocation of unaccompanied children by taking measures that are fully rights compliant and practically feasible.
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Child protection
Asylum, migration and borders
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
11 May 2020
Practical guidance for protecting unaccompanied children in the relocation process
Based on the lessons learned from relocation
experiences and on existing international and EU legal
standards, FRA has developed a number of practical
suggestions for the adjustment of relocation efforts to
the protection needs of unaccompanied children. This
guidance aims to be a practical tool for Member States
that wish to engage in the relocation of unaccompanied
children and in any future responsibility-sharing
mechanisms, and to gain knowledge on how this can
be done while respecting the child’s best interests.
Report / Paper / Summary
Child protection
Asylum, migration and borders
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
Relocation of unaccompanied children from Greece
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) urges Member States to agree on a simple and practical workflow as soon as possible, to avoid lack of clarity and delays in the relocation process. This paper provides practical suggestions on relocation of unaccompanied children from Greece, building on lessons learned from previous mandatory and voluntary relocation schemes. The paper provides FRA input on the initiative of the European Commission and a group of Member States to relocate unaccompanied children.
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