Compendium of practices for equality data collection

The Compendium of Practices on Equality Data covers practices on different discrimination grounds and areas of life in which discrimination, inequality and exclusion can occur. The compendium is linked to the Guidelines on improving the collection and use of equality data and aims to provide inspiration and practical examples on how to implement them. Read more >>

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64 Promising Practices found

  • Afrozensus 2020 – Perspektiven, Anti-Schwarze Rassismuserfahrungen und Engagement Schwarzer, afrikanischer und afrodiasporischer Menschen in Deutschland
    Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Enhance validity and reliability, Collect information on self-identification, Mainstream intersectional approach
    All grounds / Cross-cutting
    #Afrozensus is the first comprehensive study addressing the everyday life perspectives and discrimination experiences of Black, African and Afrodiasporic people in Germany. The study was conducted by the German education and empowerment project Each One Teach One (EOTO) in cooperation with Citizens for Europe (CFE).
  • Pajjiż:
    United Kingdom
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Build institutional capacity, Facilitate effective use, Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Mainstream equality data
    Disability, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    In 2018, the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) established a Census, Lifecourse and Disability team to address gaps in disability information. It links existing data sources and produces new pieces of work giving insight into disability statistics.
  • Erhebung von Antidiskriminierungsdaten in repräsentativen Wiederholungsbefragungen – Bestandsaufnahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Map existing sources, Operational guidelines, Collect information on self-identification, Mainstream intersectional approach
    Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, Intersex / variation of sex characteristics, All grounds / Cross-cutting, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (FADA) published a study in 2018 on the status of equality data in 20 large-scale, representative surveys in Germany. The aim was to produce a systematic overview of the questions, categories or variables relating to discrimination currently available in those surveys and to discuss ways to expand the collection of these data.
  • Pajjiż:
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Facilitate effective use
    All grounds / Cross-cutting
    This report contains statistics on the complaints received by the Equality Ombudsman in 2015–2021, focusing specifically on the complaints received in 2021. The report has been published annually since 2020. The report contributes to building up knowledge on discrimination and making it available.
    What we mean by ‘complaints about discrimination’ is the complaints that concern discrimination associated with one or more of the grounds of discrimination: ethnicity, disability, sex, transgender identity or expression, religion or other belief, sexual orientation, and age. The category ‘complaints about discrimination’ also includes complaints about sexual harassment.
  • Pajjiż:
    United Kingdom
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Build institutional capacity, Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Mainstream equality data, Enhance validity and reliability, Ensure representativeness, Improve comparability
    Gender identity or expression
    In 2018, the UK Government Statistical Service and the Office for National Statistics initiated a project that aims to provide guidance across government to measure gender identity and increase the capacity to collect data and statistical literacy about gender identity.
  • Pajjiż:
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Facilitate effective use
    Racial or ethnic origin
    At the request of the Minister for Social Affairs and Employment, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) provides an online dashboard displaying national and regional statistical figures on cultural diversity (as indicated by migration background) in the labour market. Organisations can use these figures as a benchmark. Organisations (with 250 or more employees) can also ask CBS to take their barometer readings, which then also provides a chance to compare the organisation’s cultural diversity with regional and national figures.
  • Kultúra v hodnotovom systéme obyvateľov SR
    Operational guidelines, Mainstream equality data
    Racial or ethnic origin, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The final report on culture in the value system of the inhabitants of the Slovak Republic provides a complex data of attitudes of the inhabitants in an easily understandable manner and introduces questions that many people may relate to (including people who are not the respondents).
  • Pajjiż:
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Map existing sources, Foster inter-institutional cooperation, Build up data hub, Build institutional capacity, Facilitate effective use, Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Mainstream equality data, Ensure regular and timely data collection, Enhance validity and reliability, Ensure representativeness, Improve comparability
    Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, All grounds / Cross-cutting, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The Department of Justice and Equality of Ireland has developed a Data and Research Strategy 2018-2020 to facilitate better collaboration and information sharing with respect to equality data between the Department, its agencies and stakeholders, including the public.
  • Pajjiż:
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Build up data hub, Facilitate effective use
    Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation, All grounds / Cross-cutting, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The Finnish Ministry of Justice has set up and is further developing a data hub on equality and discrimination. Recent research results, studies and statistics on discrimination in Finnish society are displayed on a website and structured according to grounds of discrimination/population group and areas of life covered.
  • Samer, nasjonale minoriteter og personer med innvandrerbakgrunn. Statistikk og forskning om likestilling og levekår
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Map existing sources, Foster inter-institutional cooperation, Build up data hub, Build institutional capacity, Facilitate effective use, Operational guidelines, Ensure comprehensiveness, Ensure regular and timely data collection, Ensure representativeness
    Age, Racial or ethnic origin, Religion or belief, Sex, Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination
    The data hub maps existing sources, and provides quality-assured research and statistics on the living conditions of Sámi, national minorities and people with immigrant backgrounds. The data hub aims to provide knowledge for policymakers who focus on these specific groups. The target groups of this data hub are policymakers at both national and local levels, civil society organisations and the media. The data hub is updated when new statistics are available, and it ensures regular and timely data collection.